If you have the desire to invest in precious metals, you might want to ask loads of questions to know if investing in one of your option – Silver, is indeed a good investment portfolio to have considering the speculation that goes on in the trading floor. From time immemorial, silver has always been considered …
Due to the general uncertainty and unreliability of the stock exchange market, people are now turning to other ways of investment—especially investment in commodities and precious stones. Gold and silver are perfect stores of wealth that people have tested and trusted over the years. The fact that both metals are imperishable and scarce makes them …
One question that might recur in the mind of the average poor man might be; ‘Why do the rich get richer and the poor do get poorer? Perhaps there are certain things the rich folks know that the poor do not. There are certain line of investments that is exclusively reserved for the rich and …
Do you want to make money in the stock market faster and easier? If YES, here are 50+ best stock investment analysis and portfolio planning tools for beginners. One of the biggest investment opportunities that fledgling investors usually start with is the stock market. This is because the stock market is huge and almost anyone …
If Binary options sound vague to you, then you might want to wonder what Binary options really are and how someone can make money trading on it. Simply put, a Binary Option or digital option as it is referred to in foreign exchange is a type of trading option where the trader assumes a yes …
The only way to succeed at anything is to learn and understand how it’s done before getting started. Stock investing is no exception. If your dream is to invest your way to six figure profits, then you need to first educate yourself about stock investing. This first critical step will help you understand the basics …
Do you want your children to be financially literate but you lack ideas how? If YES, here are 10 best fun activities that will teach your kids about money fast Today, many individuals and businesses are wallowing in a mire of financial problems due to little understanding of money and poor money management skills. Unfortunately, …
Gold and silver are the two precious metals that attract most attention in the precious metals market. Both metals, which were used as currency in the previous centuries, have now become investment vehicles, presenting as worthy alternatives to stocks and bonds. Many investors now invest in gold and silver as a way of diversifying risk. …
If you are looking for a way to start small with stock investing and generate huge profits over time, then creating a dividend investing plan can help you achieve that. When it comes to investing, having such a plan is one of the single biggest things you can do to help you avoid mistakes and …
There are strategic approaches to every business move. And investing is no exception. There are more than countable strategies adopted by investors with the aim of making maximum profits and reducing risk as much as possible. Now whether you are investing in the stock market, real estate, commodities (gold, silver), foreign exchange, etc; here are …
If you are interested in investing in gold with little money? Here’s an in-depth beginner’s guide on the best ways to invest in gold online for guaranteed profit. Investing in gold is the only recession-proof way to invest your money, as it provides the most direct counter to the dollar. Each time the dollar falls—such …
When it comes to managing money, most of us think we know more than we actually do. We tend to have an exaggerated picture of our financial literacy and money management skills. And we tend to downplay the need for us to improve our financial intelligence. The above explains why most business owners focus on …
Are you always wondering why you exhaust your monthly salary without having anything left to save? Are you always wondering why you keep wallowing in a mire of huge debt despite earning a decent monthly income? Then it’s time to create a budget and stick to it. Making a budget and sticking to it is …
Do you want to learn how to invest in the stock market with little money? Do you need stock market investment tips and advice for beginners without losing your money? If you answered YES to any of the questions before, then i advice you read on. Everyday, i get questions from people who are interested …
According to Wikipedia, a self-directed IRA (Individual Retirement Arrangement) is “a type of IRA that allows the account owner to direct the account trustee to make a broader range of investments than other types of IRAs.” A self directed IRA is a smart way to save for retirement. It can be funded in many ways, …
What are the best personal wealth building strategies for entrepreneurs? How do I increase my wealth without working too hard? What are the exact steps one can implement to attain financial freedom and get out of debt? If you seek answers to any of the questions above, then i advice you read on. Everybody keeps …
The first step to avoiding bad credit is choosing your credit card provider carefully. Some credit card companies offer better rates and rewards than others. All these offers and rewards make it easier for people to manage and repay their debts. Before you choose a credit card, here are some tips to help you compare …
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Regulation D has set certain requirements that investors must meet to be regarded as “accredited” investors. An accredited individual investor is one with a net worth of more than $1 million (including spouse), and who earned more than $200,000 annually in the last two years. A non-accredited investor, on the …
In an ideal world, a stockbroker would help you invest your hard-earned money in profitable investment opportunities and help you earn huge returns—and then charges you for the services rendered. But in the real world, most stockbrokers are out to feed fat on you, the client. Aside the commission you pay them, they are constantly …
Your credit limit is the maximum amount that a credit card company or bank allows you to charge on your card. Some issuers set this limit based on your likelihood to pay your credit card debts. With such issuers, a low credit limit indicates little trust in your ability to spend and pay, while a …
If you borrow money from a bank or any other lending institution, you will be required to pay interest to the lender for the money you borrowed. Your interest rate is a way of expressing this cost over a specific period of time, usually a year. And this rate is always expressed as a percentage …
You check your mailbox, and you see it’s filled with letters. And you think there has to be something interesting. But then, you start checking each letter one after the other. After the whole checking process 19 out of the 24 letters in your mail were sent in by credit card companies trying to force …
Anyone would jump at a credit card with zero percent introductory interest rate. It’s just natural. Not having to pay any interest for the first three months or so sounds really cool, you know? And most of the time, you are so eager to get the card that you forget to think about what happens …
Credit cards have become a basic necessity of life. Shopping, traveling, health care and even feeding are paid for with credit cards and when you manage your credit card properly, it earns you good credit rating and financial institutions and other agencies see you as someone who is credit worthy and wouldn’t mind doing “credit-type” …
Everyone has need for cash every time! Unfortunately, not everyone has access to cash at every time they need it. A good example is salary earners. Most of them need cash sometimes to meet up with important obligations before payday. It’s not every time that you need cash that you run to the bank for …
If you are battling with the problem of bad credit, secured credit cards can help you rebuild your credit history. Unlike prepaid credit cards, secured cards give you a line of credit, and your major payment activities will be reported to the major consumer reporting agencies (this ensures that your activities are well recorded in …
Applying for a credit card is the first thought that usually comes to mind whenever you need to make some purchases and would need more cash than you presently have. And that’s a fine decision. However, applying for a credit card is no guarantee that you will be issued the card. The credit card issuer …
It’s just like you learned when you were younger. Nobody’s perfect! Everyone has made mistakes at one time or the other. Financial mistakes are quite easy to make. However, the damage caused by financial mistakes can take some time to undo. It can be as small as forgetting to pay the minimum balance on your …
The investment industry is intricate and convoluted. This has convinced many investors that they need the services of a stockbroker to really make headway. Over the years, many investors have enjoyed a lot of comfort and peace of mind because they had a smooth relationship with their stockbroker. Others, on the other hand, now have …
When you have free money that you don’t need at the moment, you can handle such money in either of two ways—or both: by saving and by investing. You may be accumulating your extra cash with the aim of buying something later in the year, such as a new car, a new HD plasma TV, …
You need to make some purchases, but you really don’t have the money at hand for now. Then you decide to go for a credit card. And you send your application to the credit card issuing company. A couple of weeks later, you get a letter from the same company. With raised hopes, you tear …
A lot of people get the concept of having a credit card wrong. Yes you have a credit card but it’s not so that you can take a trip to the Bahamas on an income of less than $500. There’s nothing bad about doing so, but do it out of your savings, not financed with …
One major factor that will determine your level of satisfaction with your investment firm and with how they manage your money is how well your investments performed compared to the broader market. But according to a 2013 U.S. Full Service Investor Satisfaction Study, two elements (aside investment performance) determine whether you will be satisfied with …
If you have a low credit score, then getting a credit card will be very difficult. This is because most credit card issuers don’t want to take the risk of loaning a credit card they might not get paid for. But if you are facing the harsh reality of bad credit, you are not completely …
In today’s society, having some debt hanging on your neck is becoming almost inevitable. But having a credit card is a smart way to take charge of your debts, keep your finances in order, and even increase your credit score and worthiness. Having a credit card is now becoming even more essential, not only because …
While selecting a broker shouldn’t be quite as complex as choosing a spouse, it’s definitely not a decision you should make in haste. After all, this is the person you are banking on to help you handle your investment dollars. So, whoever told you that it’s unnecessary to subject your stockbroker to an interview before …
A credit card can come in handy when you need to make payments on the go without having to carry cash around. Even though it doesn’t come without its own obligations and downsides, a credit card is one of the most commonly used sources of additional funding. Getting a credit card is usually easy, but …
Have you ever wondered why the rich keep getting richer and the not-so-fortunate keep struggling to meet up? Some of the reasons are because the rich have access to some of the money making opportunities that other classes of people may not have access to. Such money making strategies offer greater profits but are generally …
How do you negotiate credit card debt with collection agencies? Well, this article will explain in details how to negotiate credit card debt settlement yourself. According to NerdWallet, the average household in America has $15,191 in outstanding debt. This explains why living under debt has become the norm for many people in America and in …
While debt is not necessarily a good thing, it can be instrumental to the success of your business—if used wisely and paid back on time. As a small business owner, there are times when you will need to expand your business or embark on necessary projects that cost more than you can afford. In such …
Do you want to professionally invest your money in startups? If YES, here is a complete guide on how to become an angel investor even if you have little money. An angel investor is someone who supplies capital to new businesses in return for ownership equity. angel investors supply capital to companies for financing their …
Because a business credit card can help a business manage its finances more efficiently, it is an indispensable tool for small business owners. With a business credit card, you can easily fund the day-to-day operations of your business and make larger investments for the long-term. So, a business credit card provides your business with an …
Anyone can apply for a business credit card, even if they don’t have a business. This fact is unknown to many people, but it’s the plain truth. What most people believe is that only full-blown businesses can apply for and obtain business credit cards. However, if you are a small business owner or just an …
Are you a woman looking forward to retiring early and living a life of abundance in your old age? Then below are ten early retirement tips for women. Many schools of thought believe that women generally have a higher life expectancy rate than men. This means that women are likely to live longer than their …
Are you a late bloomer and you are thinking on possible strategies that will help you live a life of abundance in retirement? Then below are ten smart retirement tips for late bloomers. According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), Only 58% percent of Americans aged 55 years and above have been able to …
Do you need ideas on the best ways to make money buying and selling gold coins, scrap, jewelries? If YES, here’s how to start a gold business for profit. One of the best forms of investments in tough economic times is buying an item whose value would continue to appreciate and could be sold at …
Do you want to retire young with good health, travel the world and be financially free? If YES, here are 7 proven strategies on how to retire early and rich. Before I go about sharing tips that will help you develop your own retirement strategy; I want to appreciate my mentor “Robert Kiyosaki” for stirring …
Do you want to learn how to make money effortlessly? If YES, then read on as i reveal the ultimate law of attraction and how to apply it to your life successfully. Life is governed by rules or laws that were enacted since time immemorial. If you can learn to play by the rules, you …
Do you want to become a gold coin dealer? Do you want to make money buying and selling gold coins from home? If YES, here are 7 easy steps to buy and sell gold coins online for profit. If you have some spare cash, rather than leave it to lie fallow in your bank account, …
How do you pick stocks to buy? What is the difference between fundamental investing and technical investing? Which strategy is the best amongst the two? Which strategy has performed better in the long run? Well, I advice you read on to find the answers you seek. Good traders / investors do not just buy stocks …