The poultry business is one business that has empowered loads of entrepreneurs simply because of how profitable it is. Besides being a profitable business, it is also easy to setup especially if you are starting on a smaller scale and from a nice location. No doubt there are some challenges when it comes to running …
Housing & Fencing
Predators are one of the major challenges poultry owners’ faces and that is why it is necessary to buy into considering an effective fencing option when designing your poultry farm. Poultry farmers in the UK and in other part of the world are always improvising on ways to keep foxes away from their poultry. The …
One of the nightmares of chicken farmers is the presence of rats in their chicken coop; rats can cause great havoc when they find their way into your poultry. Thus, you just have to do all you can to prevent them from making it into your coop; and if they do, then you must adopt …