Are you searching for small business opportunities in Maryland, United States? Are you considering starting a business in Maryland but you simply lack ideas on the best business to start?
If YES, then I advice you read on as this article will help solve this problem. Maryland boasts an excellent business climate that encourages private sector job creation and business environment. The state limits workplace regulation and ensures a competitive fair tax structure.
In 2013, Forbes ranked Maryland in 13th position in its “Best States for Business” report. All these drive home the point that Maryland is a fertile ground for new businesses—small, medium, and large.
While a wide range of small businesses have the potential to thrive in Maryland, those that cater to people’s pressing needs have the brightest chances of success. Here are 10 profitable small business opportunities you can start in Maryland:
Top 10 Small Business Investment Opportunities in Maryland
1. Gluten-free restaurant/bakery
Before now, only Celiacs were known for avoiding all foods that contained wheat and gluten. But now, almost everyone is trying to avoid gluten like a plague. This explains why supermarkets and large chains in Maryland now carry increasing amounts of gluten-free food on their shelves. Starting a restaurant or bakery that offers 100% gluten-free food is a smart business decision. Such a business will not only cater to celiacs, but to other people as well.
2. Daycare and nanny service
Due to the increasing number of divorce cases and the need for stay-at-home wives to take up jobs (to ease the financial burden on their husbands), the market for day care and nanny services is booming. Nursing mothers who are too busy to take care of their children are usually ready and willing to pay good bucks for quality care for their children.
3. Body decoration services (piercings and tattoos)
Whoever said body decorations such as tattoos are the hallmarks of irresponsible people is certainly still living in the past. (Yes, in the past, anyone wearing them was generally deemed irresponsible). Now, the demand for tattoos and body piercings is so high, you would hardly find any young person of either sex without at least one body marking. No doubt, body decoration has become a good business opportunity—in Maryland and the rest of the U.S.
4. Laundry and dry cleaning service
Maryland has the least poverty rate (7.8 percent) among states in the U.S. So, the average Marylander has no problems paying for necessary products and services like laundry and dry cleaning. The laundry and dry cleaning business is a recession-proof business that thrives anywhere. And Maryland is no exception.
5. Tea stores
Millions of cups of tea are drunk in Maryland each year, and this number keeps increasing annually with the increasing awareness of the health benefits of tea. Now, just any tea won’t sell. The trends are turning towards peppier, stranger flavors such as maple and popcorn.
6. Food truck
People find it more convenient buying food right in front of their doorsteps than having to trek or drive long distances to the restaurant of their choice. This is why food trucks are becoming more popular in Maryland—coupled with the fact that a food truck is much less expensive to start than a brick-and-mortar restaurant.
7. Fitness center
Like other Americans, Marylanders are health conscious. Most of them are now very much aware of the health risks of not keeping fit, such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and other conditions. To avoid these, Marylanders are turning to fitness centers and fitness coaches, leading to a booming demand for anything related to fitness.
8. Senior care
As is the case in other parts of the U.S., senior citizens now make up a significant fraction of Maryland’s population. This trend has created a huge opportunities for businesses offering products and services that cater to senior citizens.
These include senior home care, senior errand services, senior transportation, and so on. These businesses will continue to enjoy relevance and patronage all over the U.S. until 2030 to 2040, when the entire baby boomer generation will have clocked between ages 65 to 75.
9. Online marketing
Maryland businesses now understand the importance of establishing a web presence as well as the effectiveness of the internet as a lead generation too. This is why there is booming demand for experts in various aspects of online marketing, such as email marketing, social media marketing, copywriting, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, and so on.
10. Business consulting
Businesses in Maryland are constantly in need expert advice on how to attract more customers and generate more sales. This leaves huge opportunities for experienced entrepreneurs with multiple successful businesses under their belts. While these business opportunities will not make you rich overnight, they will provide you with real chances to make money in Maryland.