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12 Best Referral Sources for Nursing Home

Are you wondering what referral source is best for a nursing home? If YES, here are 12 best referral sources for nursing homes. 

If you run a nursing home, then in order for you to continue to be in business, you must make sure you get residents to occupy all the available rooms in your facility.

Aside from going all out to market your nursing home, one of the surest ways you can get residents to occupy your rooms is to leverage on referrals. Interestingly, all businesses have their own unique referral sources, and nursing home is not left out.

One good thing about a referral is that if you continue to be in a good relationship with the source, you will continue to get clients with little or no effort from your end. Having said that, here are some of the reliable referral sources that are customized to fit nursing home businesses.

Best Referral Source for Nursing Home

  1. Nursing Home Online and Offline Directories

In this dispensation where the first port of call is the internet when searching for any information, having a strong online presence or having a profile in related online directories will go a long way to get you clients.

Interestingly, there are reliable home care agencies on industry lead sites, such as,, and

Please note that these sites usually get high rankings in the search results pages, and as they are an independent sources, consumers trust them. So, proactively source reviews for your agency on these directories.

Alternatively, you could purchase a featured listing on these sites, which would guarantee your business shows at the top of the list in your chosen service categories.

All you have to do is to make sure you are active on any or all of the related sites available and you can be rest assured that you will get a referral.

  1. Community Senior Events Organizers

Another referral source that you can get clients for your nursing home is from organizers of community senior events. This is how it works, organizations that are involved in organizing events for seniors usually have their data, and most of those seniors can easily trust them when it comes to recommending stuff for them.

So, all you have to do in this regard is to partner with such organizers and they will serve as a major source of referral for your nursing home.

In order to be top on their list, you can go out of your way to sponsor some of their events or request to share your publicity materials whenever they are having their events.

  1. Word of Mouth Referral From Past and Present Clients

The old “word of mouth” method of referral has been a reliable and of course easier way to get clients to patronize your business.

So, if you are looking for a referral source to leverage on in order to get clients to patronize your nursing home then you must tap from the word-of-mouth referral method.

Just make sure you are in contact with your past clients and let them know that you will appreciate it if they help reach out to their friends and other family members who may need your services. You can as well work on some little token or commission to reward them when they refer clients to you.

  1. From Doctors In Your Community and City

Trust me when it comes to the healthcare industry, doctors play major roles when it comes to referrals. So, what you need to do is to tap into this source of referrals is to make sure you partner with doctors in your city or community.

Especially doctors that attend to old people. Just feel free to visit your doctor’s office and market your nursing home and let them know that you will appreciate it if they recommend clients to you. You can as well settle for a commission system whenever they refer clients to you.

  1. From Insurance Agents and Insurance Providers

The fact that life and medical insurance companies work with the elderly means that they will have their data and they can advise them on what to do when they need professional advice. Interestingly, medical insurance companies also work directly with healthcare providers such as nursing homes.

So, what you are expected to do in this regard is to approach insurance offices in your city and market your nursing home and let them know that you will appreciate if they recommend clients to you. You can as well settle for a commission system whenever they refer clients to you.

  1. From Residential Care Programs

Another major source of referral that an nursing home can leverage on to get clients is via residential care programs. Please note that residential care homes are an alternative to traditional nursing homes that care for elderly or disabled individuals.

A good number of residential care programs provide standard caregiver services but not medical care or treatment. This is when your home healthcare agency can step in.

So, what you need to do in this regard is to search your local online and offline directories for residential care homes, and then build a working relationship with them with the aim of establishing a referral system that will be a win-win for both parties.

  1. Join Local and State Home Care Organizations

If you are looking for a source of referrals for your nursing home, then you should look towards joining relevant organizations such as local and state home care organizations.

The truth is that you can leverage local and state home care organizations to market your nursing home because the most organization that are part of the state home care organizations offer complementary services and those who get clients that are supposed to stay in an nursing home can easily refer them to you and you can do vice versa.

  1. Palliative Care Programs

Another major source of referral that a nursing home can get clients is from palliative care programs. This is because palliative care programs offered through doctor’s offices, health networks, and other private practices most likely require a reputable home care agency as a partner.

Palliative care is a growing medical sub-specialty that promotes quality of life, patient outcomes, and cost savings. Unfortunately, only half of palliative care programs in the country are affiliated with hospice companies, which means there’s another 50 percent up for grabs.

Just make sure you join the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) as a preferred provider and you can be rest assured that it will serve as a source for referrals for your nursing home.

  1. Referral from Veterans Benefits Organizations

The veterans’ benefits organizations is yet another major source of referral for nursing homes. Interestingly, there are basically two forms of caregiver funding for America’s veterans from which home care agencies can get referrals from and you can leverage on it.

Please note that “Aid & Attendance” is intended for veterans who served active duty during particular wars or “periods of conflict.” Eligibility is based on financial need, age, and physical condition.

Third-party organizations that help veterans access the benefit usually contract directly with caregiver companies. They send referrals to preferred home care agency partners, and the services are funded through the Veterans Administration.

The “Homemaker Program” is the other caregiver funding and is implemented and managed by regional VA Hospitals. These programs vary by location, but caregiver service hours are limited. Eligibility is more flexible, and the VA Hospital acts as a direct payer.

  1. Independent Living Facilities

Another good source for referral to get clients for a nursing home is from independent living facilities. What you need to do is to offer some services or support as a guest at independent living facilities.

With that, you can meet residents that may require additional personal and supportive care services not currently offered within the facility.

It will be easier for you to market your own nursing home, and going forward, they can serve as a referral source to your nursing home.

The bottom line is that as a non-medical home care agency, you can partner  skilled home health agencies to fill the gap in personal care and other support services that your nursing home offers.

  1. Community Social Workers and Independent CareGivers

Community social workers and independent caregivers are major sources for referrals when it comes to services offered by nursing home businesses.

So, all you need to do is to request that social workers and independent caregivers keep your nursing home on file as a referral source when skilled care agencies are not appropriate.

  1. From Trust Advisors, Like Geriatric Care Managers and Elder Law Attorneys

The fact that trust advisors, like geriatric care managers and elder law attorneys, work with the elderly means that they will have their data and they can advise them on what to do when they need professional advice.

Interestingly, geriatric care managers and elder law attorneys also work directly with healthcare providers such as nursing homes.

So, what you are expected to do in this regard is to approach geriatric care managers and elder law attorneys in your city and market your nursing home and let them know that you will appreciate it if they recommend clients to you. You can as well settle for a commission system whenever they refer clients to you.

In Conclusion;

There is no one mold fits all when it comes to the sources you can get referrals from for your nursing home. You should try and be creative and improvise based on the uniqueness of your business environment.

You can as well make sure that you maximize the market in your location by creating a list of professionals who are potential referral sources.

Reach out to professional referral sources and educate them about your business, update and communicate regularly and don’t forget to make it a win-win for everyone.