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6 Different Types of Asphalt Plant

There are two main types of asphalt plants which are batch plants and drum plants, but in recent times, more niche asphalt plants have been developed and they are all unique in their own right, especially as it relates to their capacity, how they operate, and how they are installed.

Of course, the end product of an asphalt plant is to produce asphalt mixtures, and these asphalt mixtures are commonly used for paving roads, highways, parking lots, and other surfaces.

Asphalt mixtures consist of aggregates (such as gravel, sand, or crushed stone) bound together with bitumen (a sticky, petroleum-based binder).

In this article, we are going to look at some of the different types of asphalt plants, and how they operate. Note that each type of asphalt plant discussed in this article has its advantages and limitations, and the choice depends on factors such as project size, location, production requirements, and budget constraints.

Types of Asphalt Mixing Plants

  1. Batch Asphalt Plants

Batch plants produce asphalt in batches. Batch plants are usually more expensive to operate because they require more labor, but they are better suited for small projects. This is why batch asphalt plants typically produce asphalts in batches ranging from 1000 to 5000 kg.

Most people who use batch asphalt plants usually use them for small projects because batch asphalt plants are suitable for small to medium-sized projects and offer flexibility in production.

  1. Drum Asphalt Mixing Plants

A drum mixing plant is a continuous type of asphalt plant. It does all its processes constantly. Heating of aggregate is done inside a drum. Inside the same drum, mixing with bitumen and filler material takes place.

Drum mix asphalt plants continuously produce asphalt by drying and mixing aggregates with bitumen in a rotating drum. If you are considering a large-scale project, then you should consider using a drum asphalt mixing plant.

  1. Portable Asphalt Mixing Plants

Apart from batch asphalt mixing plants, another asphalt mixing plant that is easy to move around, and suitable for producing smaller quantities of mixed asphalt is portable asphalt mixing plants. Portable asphalt plants are mobile and can be transported to different job sites.

One good thing about portable asphalt mixing plants is that they offer flexibility and convenience for projects in remote or temporary locations.

So, if you have a project in a remote area where you may find it difficult to access, you may want to consider using a portable asphalt mixing plant.

  1. Counterflow Asphalt Mixing Plants

A counterflow asphalt mixing plant is yet another type of asphalt plant where aggregates and hot gases flow in opposite directions.

In this design, the aggregates move counter to the direction of the hot gases, allowing for more efficient drying and heating of the aggregates.

As the aggregates move through the drum, they come into contact with the hot gases, which heat and dry them before mixing with bitumen to produce an asphalt mixture. Interestingly, a counter asphalt mixing plant can be used in any location as long as you have the required space to operate it.

  1. Parallel Flow Asphalt Mixing Plants

Unlike counterflow asphalt mixing plants, in parallel-flow asphalt mixing plants, the aggregates and hot gases flow in the same direction.

Parallel flow asphalt mixing plants are designed in such a way that the aggregates move parallel to the direction of the hot gases, hence making it possible for simpler operation and maintenance.

  1. Hybrid Asphalt Mixing Plants

A hybrid asphalt mixing plant is an asphalt plant that combines the features of batch, drum, and continuous plants. Note that when all the features of other asphalt mixing plants are combined in one, it means that a hybrid asphalt mixing plant will offer nothing less than versatility and efficiency for various project requirements.

In essence, if you have the money, and you are working on a project that requires speed and timely completion, then you should consider using a hybrid asphalt mixing plant for your next project.