Are you about starting a food truck and you are wondering where food trucks dump waste water? If YES, here are 3 best places to dispose food truck waste. Indeed, it may not be the most exciting part of owning a mobile food business, but getting rid of waste water from your truck is very …
Food Truck Waste Management
Wastewater tanks, also known as grey water tanks, are where all used and contaminated water will go once they are generated. This will always be on board your truck until you get an approval to create a disposal station. Food truck grey water is waste water generated from your truck’s hand and three compartment sinks, …
Are you wondering where food trucks dump their grease? If YES, here are 5 places food trucks dump their grease. Indeed, cooking can be a greasy business. Whether you run a food truck with astonishing French fries or an upscale restaurant well renowned for grilling up enticing steaks, you will produce a substantial amount of …
A Zero Waste Food Truck refers to a mobile food service that ensures it achieves and maintains sustainability by limiting or entirely doing away with food waste. This will most often entail making use of environmentally friendly practices as well as putting in place stringent waste management strategies. You need to understand that the primary …