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How to Pass Meds Faster in Nursing Home

Passing meds, also generally regarded as med pass, might appear to be a simple task, but it could take a long time once you take into account everything from arranging the meds to cataloging its execution. Nevertheless, the correct methods can help make the procedure as effective as possible.

The term “medication pass,” or “med pass,” refers to the method by which medication is dispensed to patients. Even though licensed nurses carry out most med passes, non-licensed nursing staff may dispense medications under the watchful eye of a nurse in certain instances.

The traditional med pass is executed on a fixed timeline, with the nursing employee delivering the medication from individual to individual on a cart. The medication pass consumes the majority of both the morning and late shifts. For new nurses, the medication pass is perhaps the most tasking undertaking.

Administering medications to 30 patients can be terrifying and daunting. Medication errors are grave and can end up causing injury or even death to residents. Whenever there is a lot to do, it is natural to want to keep things simple and shortcuts are oftentimes taken.

This, nevertheless, is not advisable when it relates to medications. Do not, under any situations, attempt to pre-pour medications to avoid wasting time. Pre-pouring medications raise the likelihood of committing errors. The appropriate paperwork is critical both after and during a medical pass. Keep in mind that if it is not recorded, it is not completed.

Steps to Pass Med Faster in a Nursing Home

  1. Prepare the cart ahead of time

If you have limited time and your to-do roster is lengthy, the urge to leap right into it is intense. Nevertheless, this could lead to making mistakes and ultimately wasting time. Ensure to first sanitize the cart and assemble all the supplies you’ll require including disposable cups, spoons, and straws. Don’t ever reuse disposable items, and never pre-pour prescription drugs.

  1. Maintain proper hygiene

Before and after med passes, and even between residents, it is also recommended you wash your hands with warm water and soap.

Aside from that, make sure that you organize your spoons so that the grips are easily grasped, and prevent unnecessary touching of straws by their edges. Utilize gloves when trying to open capsules and/or coming into direct contact with meds, and keep soft foods as well as liquids utilized to deliver drugs protected.

  1. Safeguard all medications

Medication ought to be kept safe and secured, and the keys must be kept by the person performing the med pass. If the cart is not locked, it must always be visible. Only distribute prescriptions that you have arranged yourself. Medication carts must never be carried into resident rooms; rather, they must be left in the doorway, with the exterior side unreachable to passersby.

No medicine should be stored on the cart’s top. Medications that necessitate refrigeration ought to be kept in a secured room or in a sealed fridge.

  1. Understand the “rights” of medication administration

All through the med pass, there are several “rights” to affirm with the MAR: right resident; right prescription medication; right dosages; right path; right moment; right paperwork; right rationale; and right reaction. If there is a discrepancy between the medication and the MAR, don’t administer the medication without evaluating the chart and, if required, consult with your supervisor and/or the dispensary.

  1. Privacy and dignity must be respected

Throughout med pass, patients’ confidentiality, integrity, and privileges must be respected at all times. Don’t ever try to disrupt a resident’s meal, sleep, or use of the restroom. Preferably, all medications must be administered in a private setting.

Often knock first, identify yourself, clarify prescribed medication, and respond to inquiries regarding prescribed medication and processes from residents. Patients have the option of refusing medication and they must never be compelled to take it.

Medication Pass Process in a Nursing Home

Here are some tips to help you pass medications correctly in a nursing home.

  1. Rinse your hands with soap and water before and after a med pass.
  2. Whenever not in use, make sure the med cart is locked.
  3. Keep the med room locked at all times.
  4. Maintain a tidy and well-organized cart free of personal items.
  5. Check the dates on any applesauce or ice cream you’ll utilize to mix prescription drugs in, along with the clean water pitcher.
  6. If the hands are not noticeably contaminated, it is acceptable to use alcohol-based hand sanitizer between patients.
  7. After using hand sanitizer three times, rinse your hands again.
  8. Before every medication administration, vital signs must be monitored and recorded.
  9. Specific medications, including Digoxin and antihypertensive drugs, require an apical pulse.
  10. Inspect to ensure that the order is accurate.
  11. Always use the MAR to double-check the resident’s name, medication, dose, strength, and route.
  12. Upon knocking, enter the resident’s room and introduce yourself.
  13. Prior to administering medications, ensure that the resident is sitting.
  14. Give the medications in the proper order.
  15. Record the administration of medication.