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Pros and Cons of Owning a Pool Cleaning Business

With the cost of building pools coming down in recent years, they have also grown in popularity entailing that the demand for pool cleaning services is witnessing encouraging growth.

According to industry reports, the number of US pool cleaning businesses has grown 7% annually since 2016 to above 80,000. However, regardless of the massive number of businesses in this industry, reports still have it that around 10 million residential pools and more than 300,000 public pools in the country still struggle to find reliable cleaners.

This simply means that there is still money out there to be made. Cleaning pools might not seem like an elegant line of work, but that’s one reason it offers a real opportunity: since not everyone will be eager to soil their hands.


Truth be told, there is more to being a pool cleaner than showing up and getting things done. Outlined below are a few Pros of owning and managing this business.

1. Easy to Start

This is indeed one of the easiest businesses to start as the capital you need to start this business is little especially when compared to most businesses.

2. Rewarding work

Venturing down this business line has proven to be exciting and rewarding. This is because you will be solving an immediate issue for your customer while also taking part in something you truly care about.

3. Gain exposure and experience

This is one very lucrative enterprise that ensures that you will gain requisite experience working with a wide range of businesses – which will benefit your resume and also keep things interesting for you!

4. Unlimited income potential

Another benefit of this business is the fact that there is no cap as to how much income you can make. In this line of business, the more effectively you run your business, the more energy/time you put into your career, and the more you’ll make.

5. Encouraging customer retention rates

When a client pays for your expertise or service, they are likely going to return next time.

6. Control of workload

In this line of business, you get the opportunity to decide how little or how much you would like to work. Being your own boss, you will also get the freedom to choose the exact projects you want to work on and can turn down the ones that barely interest you.

7. Daily physical activity

Keep in mind that pool cleaning services necessitate a much greater degree of movement especially when compared to other lines of work. You will have to spend a good part of your day walking, running errands for your business, and carrying out other wide range of tasks. This will positively impact your energy levels and your general well-being.


1. Work can be inconsistent

In this line of business, the quantity of work you obtain will most often be more inconsistent, and this may make your income less predictable. As such, it is recommended you put in place limits and budget accordingly based on the amount of work you plan to have.

2. Lack of benefits

Unlike a good number of other businesses, a pool cleaning business owner is more or less self-employed and tasked with sourcing their own insurance, and this can be quite costly and time-consuming.

3. Stressful work

Just as was noted above, pool cleaning services necessitate a much greater degree of movement, and this can be stressful for you. This type sort of arrangement is a massive financial decision for your client, and as such they expect so much from you too.

4. High liability

You have to understand that the liability that comes with this sort of business is exorbitantly high. And this simply entails that the cost of insurance premiums might as well be high.

5. Equipment Breakdowns

It is also possible for your equipment to get damaged, and even require quick repair and this can prove very expensive. As such, it is recommended that you budget for these unexpected expenses.

6. Work can be repetitive

Individuals in this line of business have been insistent in their complaints about doing the same thing over and over again. Nevertheless, if you are looking to scale this hurdle, you will want to diversify product lines and revenue streams – this will keep things interesting!

7. Taxes

Every business is expected to pay taxes. As a pool cleaning business, you will also be expected to pay self-employment taxes and this can be quite exorbitant. As such, take your time to understand what you most likely are paying in taxes each year to make it possible to determine if the work you’re taking on is worth it.

8. No safety net

One thing you have to understand is that you won’t be receiving a consistent paycheck but rather earn money based on your transactions each month. As such, if demands are not encouraging, you typically make less since the job is based on commission.

9. Time commitment

As the owner of a Pool cleaning business, all the responsibilities and decisions are in your hands. While this is not a bad thing, work life can eat up your time. For new entrants, this has been proven to complicate their relationship with friends and family while also adding pressure to launching a new business.


Pool cleaning services have proven to be a very lucrative endeavor. Keep in mind that you can clean pools for residential and commercial clients and make around $50 and $60 per hour.

You can as well offer minor repairs and maintenance in a bid to boost your profit by several hundred dollars per hour, and earn between $75,000 and $85,000 annually. Nevertheless, though this career path can be very exciting, it also comes with its challenges and stressful moments.