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A “doing business as,” or DBA, under LLC helps so many business owners in the United States to properly manage their finances and to ensure that their business and personal finances are separate. A “doing business name,” or DBA, is a fabricated name used by a business to identify its products and services in its market. However, it is generally not necessary for you to establish a DBA for a limited liability company (LLC). However, there are some instances where you might want to depending on certain factors.

The lifeblood of Maryland’s economy is small business. According to the most recent Small Business Administration (SBA) data, over a million small businesses (defined as fewer than 500 employees) existed in the state in 2019. The vast majority of those businesses do not have employees but rather are individuals providing goods and services on their …

Read More about How to File a DBA in Maryland (Requirement, Cost, Fees & Steps)