Do you run a bakery and you want to increase customer loyalty and product sales? If YES, here are 50 creative bakery marketing ideas & branding strategies.
Demographics and Psychographics
The demographic and psychographic composition of those who need the services of the bakery industry cuts across the public sector, the organized private sector, most especially households, communities and people of different class and from all walks of life.
Below is a list of the people and organizations that need the services of the bakery industry.
Cakes and Cupcakes
The largest households, which are those with children, are the best customers for cakes and cupcakes. Six in ten married couples with children spend more than the average household on cakes and cupcakes, with that rate increasing to almost three in four for people with school-aged children. While the average household spending on this product fell by more than one fifth between 2000 and 2006. It then stabilized between 2006 and 2009.
The largest portion of revenue from cookies is derived from households with children. A household with a married couple and children will spend 54 percent more than the average household on this product within the baking industry. Spending on cookies fell by over two tenths between 2000 and 2006, but has held steady since then.
Prepared Desserts
The oldest consumers as well as married couples with school-aged children or older children at home are the best customers for the prepared desserts segment of the baking industry. An increase in consumer preference for the convenience of prepared desserts has led to an 18 percent increase in household spending from 2000 to 2009.
Pies, Tarts and Turnovers
Households with children are the best customers of pies, tarts and turnovers. Those households spend 47 to 71 percent more than the average, while single parents spend just above the average on this product.
Sweet rolls, Coffee Cakes and Doughnuts
Households with children are the best customers for sweet rolls, coffee cakes and doughnuts and spend about 52 to 69 percent more than the average household on this segment of the baking industry. Household spending on sweet rolls, coffee cakes and doughnuts fells 23 percent between 2000 and 2009, and will continue to surely continue to decline.
The Level of Competition in the Baking Industry
As in many industries today, the bakery industry is very competitive and only the strongest and determined can survive it successfully. This is largely due to the fact that, the industry over the years has been booming and no stone has been left unturned in its continuous drive, thus making it very competitive. And despite the fact that the industry is highly capital intensive, many start-ups and entrepreneurs are willing to venture into it.
To this end, the industry is even becoming more difficult for starters to survive in effectively without any hassle. Though small companies can still make waves in the industry by focusing on niches that have not been tapped by the big names in the industry.
Guerrilla Marketing Strategies for Our Bakery Business
Creating Brand Identity for Our Bakery
We believe that for our bakery to continue to see the light of the day, we have got to put in a lot in branding. This is one of the reasons that we will leave no stone unturned. Here are the ways we intend creating brand identity for our bakery business:
- Designing a unique corporate logo- one that represents our bakery business ( That is something that depicts the type of bakery business we operate)
- Place adverts on both print and electronic media platforms, so that people can utilize us.
- Ensure that our employees are well skilled and experienced to bring the best to the table.
- Place our flexi banners with our company’s logo and contacts in strategic positions in the neighborhood and beyond.
- Sponsor relevant community programs
- Maximize our company’s website to promote the type of bakery that we operate.
- Leverage on the Instagram social media platform to promote our business.
- Create a facebook page, where our fans can interact.
- Use twitter to communicate and pass messages across to our consumers.
- Promote our corporate brand on the internet through other unexplored social media means, so that our brand can be known.
- Install our Bill Boards on strategic locations in the location where we operate.
- Distribute our fliers and handbills in targeted areas from time to time
Action Marketing ideas for Our Bakery
Cost Effective Ways We Intend to advertise/ Promote Our Bakery Business without Using the Internet
- Place adverts on national TV stations, Radio Stations and Newspapers / Magazines
- Sponsor relevant children community programs
- Install our Bill Boards on strategic locations
- Distribute our fliers and handbills to targeted areas and offices from time to time
- Send out introductory letters to hotels, corporate organizations and households within our target market locations.
- Ensures that our employees wear our branded shirts at all times during working hours and also we will make sure we brand our buses.
- Send random text messages.
- Word of mouth mode of advertisement.
Low Cost Ways We Intend to advertise/ Promote Our Bakery Business on the Internet
Over the last decade, we have come to witness that the internet is capable of doing a whole lot more than every other advertisement means. This is one of the reasons for research, and others. Here are the ways we intend leveraging on the internet to advertise / promote our bakery business:
- Leverage on social media platforms such as; Instagram, Facebook , Badoo, Snap chat, YouTube, Twitter, Google + et al
- Begin to blog about foods and nutrition.
- Start a website and make it really attractive and interactive.
- Create a platform on the internet, where people can place an order for the baked foods.
- Place adverts on high traffic websites
- Leverage on email marketing strategy to advertise and promote our bakery brand.
- Use the various social platforms on the internet to persuade everyone.
Creative Marketing Ideas Specific to Our Bakery Company
Creativity is one of the very skills that will be needed in the bakery industry. It is for this reason that we have put on paper some creative marketing ideas that will make us a house hold name.
- Direct Marketing- word of mouth
- Making use of referrals and recommendation
- Leverage on Online Marketing (via our official website, social media platforms, direct email marketing and blog et al)
- Revenue Sharing Business Partners
- Public relations during exhibitions and community programs.