You probably have your personal motor vehicle covered. What about the vehicles you use for your business? Are they protected by insurance too? Commercial auto insurance coverage is just as important and necessary as personal motor vehicle insurance. Commercial motor vehicle insurance would cover for any liabilities in case of accidents, thefts or any unfortunate …
Vehicle Insurance
Do you need help understanding how vehicle insurance policies and premiums work? Or you want to compare vehicle insurance quotes? If YES, i advice you read on
If you are not satisfied with the services you are getting from your auto insurance cover, or you can no longer meet up with the premiums; changing to another reliable one would be one of the wisest things to do. The fact that you start out with an auto insurance company doesn’t mean that you …
Are you about getting auto insurance as an under 25 driver? If YES, here are 7 smart ways under 25 drivers can save money on car insurance and get good deals. If you are a teenager or an under 25 driver hoping to own your car for the first time, then you should be concerned …
When you start a new business, it is doubtful that you would have enough money to purchase all the cars that you would need to carry on your business conveniently. What you would most likely do is purchase one or two vehicles and then add more vehicles to your fleet as your business grows with …
As long as you drive, you are expected to have car insurance because no matter how good a driver you think you are, accidents do happen and it may not even be your fault. The insurance company is there to compensate the third party and you the insured in case of the occurrence of an …
Do you need auto insurance as a new driver? If YES, here are 16 best car insurance companies for under 25 drivers, the policies they offer and their cost. When it comes to insurance, age plays a major role in determining the overall cost of the policy. Generally, insurance companies consider younger drivers as more …
Are you concerned about the cost of getting auto insurance as an under 25 driver? If YES, here are 21 tips on how to get cheap car insurance as a new driver. A new driver is usually defined as someone with no driving history or insurance record. These set of people can include newly licensed …
Do you want to do a comparison of car insurance quotes before buying without giving your personal information? If YES, here are 3 smart ways to get auto insurance quotes. A lot of Americans have admitted that they have overpaid for their car insurance at one point or the other, and one of the reasons …
Do you want to get auto insurance but you have a suspended license? If YES, here is a quick guide on how to get car insurance without a license. Actually, there is no law against buying a car without a driver’s or a suspended license. Instead, there are laws in every state in the united …
Have you been involved in an accident? If YES, here is how long you have to report a car accident to your insurance company based on the state it occurred. Many people often wonder what window of opportunity they have to report to their insurance company after they have had an accident. They wonder how …
Do you want to know how insurance companies manage risk? If YES, here are 4 iron-clad ways insurance companies manage risk and still remain profitable. Risk management in the insurance industry is the identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the impact of …
You bought a used car and you want to know how long you can drive it before buying insurance? If YES, here is what you must know about used car insurance. When buying a used car, what most people just think about is the functionality of the car in question without giving much thought to …
Irrespective of the scale of business you run, if there are automobiles involved, you need commercial auto insurance. Note that these insurance covers are designed for both large and small vehicles used in businesses. Any vehicle owned by a business and is driven by the employee or owner can be covered under this insurance policy. …