Do you run a poultry farm and need to attract new customers? Here are top 10 result oriented marketing ideas & strategies for selling your birds and eggs fast.
The ultimate goal of every poultry farmer is to make great sales at each harvest and unfortunately, a lot of poultry farmers get stuck at this point. They spend months raising and feeding birds; and when it’s time to sell, they don’t achieve much results.
Not because there is a shortage of demand for their products; but because they have not really paid attention to the sales and marketing aspects of their business.
As a poultry farmer, you should not be too caught up with the operational aspects of your business so much that you now neglect the sales aspect. If you ask me, I would say that the sales and marketing aspect is even more important after all, you are not rearing chickens for family use.
If you are into poultry farming to earn profits, then you must pay attention to the marketing aspects of this business. Today, I want us to discuss some of the methods that you can use as a poultry farmer to increase sales and expand your income from your poultry business. Some smart ideas include-:
Best Marketing ideas for Selling your Poultry Birds and Eggs Fast
1. By passing the middlemen
Most poultry farmers rely on middlemen to help sell their products. They sell in bulk to other people who in turn sell to the consumers. If you want to sell faster, then you should sell both in wholesale quantities and resale quantities. You can sell in retail quantities if you have your own sales outlet.
Look for a good location to rent a store and then use it to stock products from your farm so that in addition to selling to wholesalers, you can also sell to retailers.
2. Take your business online
Everybody hangs around the internet these days. A large percentage of people make use of the internet around the world daily and if you want your business to thrive, you cannot close your eyes to the internet. Your social media account is a very good place to promote your business and increase awareness for your products.
I have a lady that I am following on Instagram who regularly posts pictures of attractively packaged, fresh products from her poultry farm on her page. She has a lot of followers and people keep asking her where they can get her products in the south even though she’s based in the North. I am very sure that a lot of Northerners patronize her too.
If you want to sell your products faster, you should have a strong internet presence so that people can order for products online and even those that do not order online would be able to recognize and buy your products when they see it in supermarkets or grocery stores.
3. Become a supplier to Hotels and Restaurants
Write a brilliant proposal with clearly thought-out incentives that you can offer and send it to managers of hotels and restaurants. Offer to be their major supplier of poultry meat and eggs. Hotels and restaurants always have foods with poultry meat or foods made with eggs on their menu and they have to get their eggs from somewhere.
You can help them to have access to a regular supply of fresh eggs without stress. Note that a lot of hotels and restaurants already have people supplying them, so you should think of how to outsmart these people by offering mouth-watering incentives.
4. Employ Marketers
Marketers? For a poultry farm? Yes, marketers for your poultry farm can increase your sales by more than 30%. Just employ some commission-based marketers who would earn a certain percentage from the sales they make.
5. Feed your Birds well
Yes, this is a marketing idea too. When you feed your birds well, they produce big and good quality eggs which are what the consumers want.
If you want your products to be top choice for consumers, then you have to pay attention to the quality of products you generate and in poultry farming; that means paying attention to the type of foods you feed your birds with because good food equals good eggs and quality meat.
6. Have your own Abattoir
Don’t just stop at selling to other companies to package; nothing stops you from having your own abattoir too where you can package and brand your own products for sales and supply.
7. Advertise your products
You should also engage in advertising and promotions. You don’t buy what you don’t know. Do you? People mostly buy products they know or have heard about and when you advertise your products, it helps to increase awareness and subsequently, demand for your products.
8. Carry out marketing research
Another way by which you can increase sales of your poultry products is by carrying out marketing research regularly. When you do so, you would be able to have a clear idea of what your customer’s want, areas where there is insufficient supply of products and things you can do to improve the quality of products you offer your customers.
9. Try home delivery services
Home delivery services work too. This is because a lot of people are often too busy to make trips to the Grocery Store and then a lot of people love their eggs fresh.
You can take advantage of this to offer home delivery services to people who prefer to buy fresh eggs or people who find it easier to order for stuffs from the comfort of their home. You could also serve senior citizens, the physically challenged or sick people who cannot make trips to grocery stores to buy meat and eggs.
10. Use Attractive Packaging
When designing packaging materials for your poultry products, you must ensure that it is attractive and stands out from every other product in the market. Good packaging can attract more buyers.
Another thing you must know is that people look now out for nutritional information when they buy food items. So, you should consider adding some information about your products like calorie contents, protein, vitamins and all other information that health conscious people would want to know about.