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50 Profitable Raw Material Supply Business ideas You Can Start With Little Money

Do you want to start a business and make money supplying raw materials to companies? If YES, here are 50 best profitable raw materials supply business ideas.

Those that are in the supply chain industry hardly run out of businesses if they know how to network with key stakeholders that need a regular supply of what they have.

As an aspiring entrepreneur with good marketing skills, one of the thriving and highly profitable businesses that you can start is to go into raw materials supply.

Those that are involved in the raw materials supply business engage in the movement of raw materials and unfinished goods from the point where they are generated to the point where they are transformed into finished goods.

Raw materials could be lumber, sawdust, raw latex, crude oil, cotton, coal, raw biomass, leaves/herbs, roots, iron ore, logs, or even water.

Although starting a raw material supply business can be capital intensive because you would need money to purchase delivery/supply trucks and also money to purchase or make down – payment for the raw materials you intend supplying.

But, if you know how to go about it and you have good credit ratings, you can successfully start a raw material supply business with little or no cash.

All you need to do is convince the wholesaler that you will give them their money when you get paid after supplying. It is a cool way of starting a business with just an idea and integrity.

If you are truly interested in starting a raw material supply business, here are 50 best raw material supply business ideas you can choose from;

Best Raw Material Supply Business ideas

  1. Logs Supply Business

Logging Business

Logs are used by carpenters, sculptors, builders, paper manufacturers and a host of others. This goes to show that there is a large industry for logs.

So, if you are looking for a raw material supply business to start, then you should consider starting a logs supply business.

This type of business is ideal where there are no strict laws governing the falling of logs in forests. In some countries, it is pretty difficult to secure a permit to go into log supplying business.

  1. Supply of Animal Wastes

Do you know that in organic farming, animal waste is one of the major raw materials needed in producing organic fertilizer?

If you own a poultry or cattle ranch, or you know how to get animal waste in large quantities, you can successfully start supplying animal wastes to organic manure manufacturing companies and you will so smile to the bank on a regular basis. This is because loads of people are beginning to switch to organic food.

  1. Supply of Leather/Animal Skin

Another interesting supply business that an entrepreneur who is interested in the raw material supply line of business can go into is the supply of leather or animal skin.

As a matter of fact, there is a large market for leather and animal skin all across the globe. Leather belt, shoes, bags, wristwatch and a host of other leather products manufacturers depend on the supply of leather or raw material to be able to come out with finished goods.

  1. Supply of Latex (Rubber)

Latex is the raw material that is used in the production of rubber products be it plastic, electronic component parts, car component parts, children’s toys and any product that contains rubber.

This goes to show that those that are into the supply of raw latex (rubber) will not run out of business.

So, if you are looking for a raw material supply business to start, you can consider starting a latex supply business.

This business is appropriate for you if you have a rubber plantation or you know how to access a rubber plantation in your location.

  1. Supply of Wool

Supplying of wool as raw materials is yet another highly thriving and profitable business that an aspiring entrepreneur who is looking towards starting a raw material supply business can consider starting.

The truth is that the textile/clothing industry will not function effectively without a steady supply of wool.

Wool is one of the major raw materials needed in the production of clothes. So, if you are looking towards to starting a raw material business, then you should consider starting a wool supply business.

  1. Supply of Cotton

Similar to wool is cotton. As a matter of fact, cotton is a major raw material in the textiles industry.

There are loads of cotton farms all across Sub Saharan Africa and you don’t need to own a cotton farm to go into the cotton supply business.

All you need to do to launch you cotton supply business is to ensure that you have access to cotton in commercial quantities and you know how to strike deals with players in the textile manufacturing industry. It is a cool way of making money.

  1. Supply of Crude Oil

Crude oil that is known as black gold is the major raw material in the production of petrol, kerosene, diesel and paraffin et al. If you have a deep pocket, you can successfully start crude oil supply business.

You don’t necessarily need to start big by making use of ships to supply crude oil. You can start by using tankers to supply crude oil to mini – refineries.

So, if you are looking towards starting a raw material supply business and you are an accredited investor, you should consider starting crude oil supply business. You will be amazed at the turnover you will get within a short time of running the business.

  1. Leaves (Herbs) Supply Business

Of course, you should be aware that leaves (herbs) are the raw materials used in the production of drugs.

If you are into farming, you can choose to start farming herbs that are used in the production of drugs.

This is a highly thriving and profitable business especially if you meet the standards of pharmaceutical companies.

  1. Supply of Assorted Fruits

Yes, fruit is the raw material used in the production of juices and even some drugs and supplements.

So, if you are interested in starting a raw material business, then one of your options is to go into the supply of fruits.

Just ensure that you have access to fruit plantations and you know how to access juice production companies and drugs production companies especially those that are into the production of vitamin C and children’s multivitamins.

  1. Supply of Fleece

Another interesting and profitable raw material supply business that an aspiring entrepreneur can successfully start is the supply of fleece. You can choose to even settle for the supply of Alpaca fleece.

As a matter of fact, Alpaca fleece is one of the finest fiber and in high demand in the fashion industry. It is lightweight, warm, durable, soft and not itchy at all.

Hand spinners appreciate its quality, and handcrafters find it pretty easy to work with. The natural hues are highly desirable and readily accept dye.

  1. Supply of Sand

Sand serves as raw materials in the construction industry, and in cement production amongst others.

So, if you are interested in starting a raw material supply business, then you should consider going into the supply of sand.

This business is appropriate if you live around seashores where you can easily get sea sand in commercial quantities without breaking any law.

  1. Supply of Coal

There are loads of industries that still rely on coal to run their engines, especial steam engines or power turbine.

This goes to show that coal is an important raw material even in this era. There are places with large deposits of coals.

If you are interested in going into coal supply business, you can look for such places and negotiate how you can be mining coals in commercial quantities and supplying industries that need coal.

  1. Supply of Gravel

Gravel is yet another profitable and thriving raw material supply business that an aspiring entrepreneur can settle for if he or she is interested in the raw material supply line of business.

Gravel can be gotten in commercial quantities in stone quarries and they are a major raw material in the construction industry.

There is hardly any construction job that will be carried out without the use of gravels or sharp stone as it is called in some quarters.

  1. Supply of Iron

Iron they say is the prime material that has advanced in the industrial age. Raw iron can be gotten from iron ore and there is hardly any metallic product that does not contain iron.

If you are interested in the raw material supply industry and you are close to an iron ore, then one of your best options is to go into the supply of raw iron. There is indeed a large market for raw iron and it is indeed a profitable venture.

  1. Supply of Dye

Supply of dye is yet another thriving and profitable raw material supply business that is open to all and sundry. Dye is a raw material that is used mainly in the textile and clothing industry.

Dye is gotten from plants and if you know how to access dye in commercial quantity, then you should consider starting a dye supply business.

  1. Supply of Water

Do you know that loads of manufacturing industries consider water as part of their raw material?

In the construction industry, in bakeries, carbonated drinks production companies and many other companies, water is part of their raw materials and they usually get supply of treated water from water supply stations.

So, if you are interested in starting a raw material supply business, then you should consider going into the supply of water.

It is not a stressful business and it is open to all and sundry irrespective of your qualifications or exposure.

  1. Sawdust Supply Business

Another interesting and of course, profitable and thriving raw material supply business that an entrepreneur should consider starting is the supply of sawdust.

Sawdust is the waste material gotten from the lumber industry and sawdust is a raw material needed in the production of cabins, papers and other similar products.

If you are smart, you won’t have to pay for the sawdust, especially if you choose to act as though you are helping lumber companies dispose their waste (sawdust).

  1. Supply of Palm Frond

Palm frond is the leave of a palm tree and palm fronds are used in the productions of baskets, cages, raffia ropes, artworks amongst others. There is indeed a large market for palm fronts especially in craft villages.

So, if you live in an area that has loads of palm trees, then you should consider going into the supply of palm fronds.

  1. Supply of Gas

Another highly profitable and thriving raw material supply business that an accredited investor should consider starting is to go into the supply of gas.

Gas is the raw material for power generating companies (gas turbines) and any plant that makes use of boiler.

If you live in Alaska, Texas or in any location where gas is explored, then you should consider going into the supply of gas. It is a business that can guarantee you high turnover within a short period of time.

  1. Supply of Silicon

Supply of silicon is yet another viable and profitable raw material supply business that is open to all and sundry.

If you know how to access silicon in commercial quantities, then you should consider going into silicon supply business.

Electronic chips manufacturing companies should be your target if you decide to settle for the silicon supply business.

  1. Roots of Plants

Similar to leaves are roots of plants; they are essential raw materials when it comes to the manufacturing of both orthodox and non – orthodox medicine.

If you have access to roots of plants in commercial quantities, all you need to do is to source for pharmaceutical companies that need the type of roots you are supplying.

Of course, you will always come across some of them and they will be more than willing to buy from you if you meet their standard.

  1. Supply of Citrus Peels

Do you know that citrus peels are used as raw material in the production of perfumes and air fresheners? 

Yes indeed, citrus peel is a major raw material when it comes to the production of perfumes and air fresheners.

So, if you are interested in starting a raw material supply business, then you should consider going into the supply of citrus peels.

If you can guarantee your clients that you can get citrus peels in large quantities on a regular basis, they would be more than willing to work with you.

  1. Supply of Flour

Flour is one of the major raw materials that is used in the pasta production industry. Cakes and snacks et al can’t be made without flour either.

This goes to show that flour is a raw material that is in high demand, and you will be successful in the trade if you can have a couple of bakeries or confectioneries that you supply flour to on a daily basis.

So, if you are interested in the raw material supply industry, then you should consider going into the supply of flour.

  1. Supply of Scrap Metal

Another profitable and thriving raw material supply business that is open to an aspiring entrepreneur is the supply of scrap metals. Scrap metal is a raw material that is needed in many manufacturing industries.

As a matter of fact, any production company that has products made from metal would be willing to get supply of scrap metal from you.

So, if you are interested in the supply of raw material line of business, then one of your option is to go into the supply of scrap metals. You can get scrap metals from recycling plants.

  1. Supply of Maize

Maize supply business is yet another good and profitable supply business that is open to all and sundry.

Maize is the major raw material that is used in the production of alcoholic drinks (beers), custard, flakes, pet and baby foods.

So, if you are interested in the raw material supply industry, then you should consider going into the supply of maize.

One of the ways of maximizing profits in this industry is to cultivate maize in commercial quantities.

  1. Supply of Wheat

Another good raw material supply business that is open to all and sundry is the supply of wheat.

Wheat based foods are numerous and if you have the capacity to grow wheat in commercial quantities, then you are good to go when it comes to supplying raw wheat to companies that process wheat into flour.

  1. Supply of Raw Milk

If you run a cattle ranch, one cool way of making money is to go into the supply of raw milk to milk processing companies or companies that make use of raw milk as part of their ingredient.

  1. Supply of Wax

Supply of wax in commercial quantities is yet another thriving and profitable raw material supply business that is open to all and sundry.

Wax is a major raw material in the production of candles and if you are lucky to have candle manufacturing companies in and around you, and you know how to get wax in commercial quantity, then you should consider going into the supply of wax. It is a cool way of making money.

  1. Supply of Raw Coffee

Another profitable and thriving raw material supply business that is open to an aspiring entrepreneur is the supply of raw coffee berries.

Coffee is consumed in all parts of the world and if you have access to a coffee farm, you can source for companies who are into the processing and packaging of coffee to supply them coffee.

In other to maximize profits in this industry, you should consider going into the cultivation of coffee in commercial quantities.

  1. Supply of Tea

In Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, tea is cultivated in commercial quantities and tea is consumed in all parts of the world.

If you are interested in the supply of raw materials, then one of your options is to go into the supply of raw tea plants to companies that are into the processing and packaging of tea.

  1. Supply of Sugarcane

Sugarcane is the raw material that is used in the production of sugar. If you are interested in the raw material supply industry, then one of your options is to go into the supply of sugarcane.

There are loads of sugarcane plantations in the Caribbean and they are making good money from supplying sugarcane to companies that are into the production of refined sugar.

  1. Supply of Coconut

Coconut is a raw material that is used in the production of drinks, creams and coconut oil et al.

This goes to show that supplying coconut as a raw material is a thriving and profitable business.

So, if you are interested in the raw materials business, then one of your options is to go into the supply of coconut. You will maximize profit in this line of business if you own your coconut plantation.

  1. Supply of Raw Plantain

Plantain is a raw material that is used in the production of plantain chips and other flour based foods.

If you are interested in the supply of raw material industry, then you should consider going into the supply of raw plantain.

  1. Supply of Gum

Another good and viable raw material supply business that is open to aspiring entrepreneurs is the supply of gum.

The shoe manufacturing industry, belt manufacturers and a host of other manufacturing companies rely on the supply of gum.

This goes to show that there is a large market for gum. If you intend maximizing profits in this line of business, then you should ensure that you go into the farming of gum trees.

  1. Adhesive Supply Business

Adhesive or starch as it is called in some quarters is a raw material that is used in the laundry industry, book production industry, carton manufacturers and a host of companies.

If you are interested in starting a raw material supply business, then you should consider going into adhesive supply business.

  1. Grapes and Vines Supply Business

If you are interested in the wine of production industry, then you should consider going into the supply of grapes and vines. Grapes and vines are raw materials that are used in the production of wine.

So, if you are interested in the raw material supply industry, then you should consider going into the supply of grapes and vines.

  1. Cocoa Supply Business

Cocoa supply business is yet another thriving and profitable business that is open to aspiring entrepreneurs. Cocoa is a major raw material in the production of chocolate and chocolate beverages et al.

So, if you are interested in the raw material supply business, then you should consider supplying cocoa.

In order to maximize profits in this industry, then you should consider going into the commercial farming of cocoa.

  1. Supply of Meat/Beef

Another thriving and profitable raw material business that is open to all and sundry is the supply of meat.

Aside from meat processing companies that require meat/beef as a major raw material, beef jerky companies also need supply of beef.

Jerky is lean beef that has been trimmed of fat. The trimmed beef are cut into strips, and then dried properly so as to prevent decay.

  1. Supply of Tobacco Leaf

Supply of tobacco leaf is yet another good and profitable raw material supply business that is open to all and sundry.

Tobacco is made from tobacco leaf and if you have a tobacco farm or you have access to a tobacco farm where you can get tobacco leaves in commercial quantities, then you should consider going into the supply of tobacco leaf.

  1. Supply of Grains

Grains are raw materials that are used in feed mills and feed mills are production facilities where different poultry mashes are produced.

So, if you are interested in the supply of raw materials, then one of your options is to go into the supply of grains. Just ensure that you target feed mills.

  1. Supply of Castor Oil

Another viable and profitable raw material supply business that is open to aspiring entrepreneurs is the supply of castor oil.

Castor oil is one of the major ingredients that is used in the production of lip sticks, lip gloss and other related cosmetic products.

So, if you are interested in the raw material supply line of business, then you should consider going into the supply of castor oil.

  1. Supply of Color Pigments

Color pigment is a major ingredient that is used in the production of some cosmetic products such as lip sticks, mascara, lip gloss et al.

If you have access to color pigments in commercial quantities, then you should consider going into the supply of color pigments to cosmetics production companies.

It is a good way to make money and launch a thriving business that won’t go into extinction anytime soon.

  1. Supply of Antioxidant and Emollients

Antioxidant and emollients are key raw materials that are used in the cosmetic manufacturing industry.

There is indeed a large market for antioxidant and emollients and if you know how to access antioxidant and emollients in commercial quantities, then you should consider supplying them to cosmetic production companies.

  1. Supply of Fabric

Another profitable and thriving raw material supply business that is open to an aspiring entrepreneur is the supply of fabrics. Fabric is a raw material used in the production of dresses and also in quilting.

Quilting is the process of sewing two or more layers of fabric together to make a thicker padded material, usually to create a quilt or quilted garment.

  1. Steel Supply Business

If you have access to raw steel in commercial quantities, then you should consider going into the supply of steel.

Steel is a raw material that is used in the productions of cars, cutleries, cooking utensils and a host of other steel based products. As a matter of fact, the discovering of steel led to the industrial revolution.

  1. Supply of Used Plastic Bottles

Another profitable and thriving raw material supply business that an aspiring entrepreneur can go into is the supply of used plastic bottles. Used plastic bottles are recycled and used in various industries.

The food and drinks industry as well as the chemical industry require plastic bottles to package some of their products.

Waters, drinks, and chemicals et al are sold to the public only when they are properly packaged except on few instances.

If you are able to locate food and drinks processing companies in your area and also chemical manufacturing factories, it means that there is a market for recycled plastic bottles. It is a business that you should consider going into.

  1. Supply of Used Tires

Used tires are recycled or re – threaded so that it can still be used. Tires are used by airplanes, trucks, cars, bicycles, forklifts et al. It goes to show that there is a large market for tires.

It is fact that there is hardly any city in the world where you won’t find automobiles which is why the sale of tires is highly thriving.

If you are considering starting a material supply business, you should look towards going into the supply of used and worn out tires to tire recycling and re – threading companies.

  1. Supply of Fibers and Foams

If you are considering starting a raw material supply business, then one of your options is to go into the supply of fiber and foams.

Fiber and foams are major raw materials in the manufacturing of mattresses and pillows. As a matter of fact, there is hardly any home in the united states and in almost all parts of the world that you will not find at least a mattress and a pillow. That goes to show that there is a very large market for pillows and mattresses.

  1. Supply of Raw Aluminum

Another viable and profitable raw material supply business that is open to any aspiring entrepreneur is the supply of raw aluminum. Several products can be made from aluminum such as windows, doors, roofs, pans, et al.

If you are looking for a raw material supply business to start, you can consider going into the supply of raw aluminum.

It is a highly thriving and profitable business. Just ensure that you have access to aluminum ore and you will do pretty well in this line of business.

  1. Supply of Enamel

Lastly, another raw material supply business that is open to all and sundry is the supply of enamel.

Enamel can be used on metal, glass, ceramics, stone, or any material that will withstand the fusing temperature.

So, if you are looking towards starting a raw material supply business, then one of your options is to go into the supply of enamel.

The truth is that if you do your due diligence, you will surely come across production plants that need a steady supply of enamel.