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50 Profitable Shopify Business ideas You Can Start With Little Money

Shopify Business ideas

Do you want to start a business on Shopify but you lack ideas? If YES, here are 50 best Shopify related business ideas to help you make money online.

Shopify is one of the largest ecommerce platforms in the world. In fact, recent statistics placed it on the number 3 three spot for the most visited website in the world.

Shopify allows you to create your own independent online store that you can control; you get a website or web store to display and sell your goods, you get payment solutions, transactions processing, support, and every other tools necessary for facilitating smooth business transactions online.

Shopify is different from other Ecommerce platforms like Amazon and Ebay because on Shopify, you own and operate your store independently.

There are many business ideas that you can use to make money on Shopify, or in association with shopify. Read on to discover some of the most lucrative ones.

Best Shopify Business ideas

1. Dropshipping

Drop Shipping Business

You can start a dropshipping business on Shopify so that you can operate your store on a completely passive basis. You just need to search for companies that sell products cheaply, and offer shipping services.

As soon as you get into an agreement with the company, you get photos of the products you want to sell, and list them on your Shopify store so that whenever a customer orders the product, you just send the customers address to the company, and they ship directly to the customer.

This method allows you to earn money from shopify even if you don’t have cash to stock your shop.

2. Virtual Assistant

Many Shopify sellers have other jobs or businesses that they do hence they usually employ virtual assistants to take orders and attend to customers when they are unable to. You can earn some good income hourly, working for different shopify store owners.

3. Graphic Designer

Graphics design is another business opportunity. You can help Shopify store owners give their web stores the necessary facelift by helping them design banners, logos and other things they need for promoting their stores, and making it look attractive.

4. Product Sourcing Expert

Many Shopify sellers would love a business that can constantly point them in the right direction so that they can get affordable products to sell in their web stores. You can charge them a monthly or weekly subscription for this service.

5. Shipping and Delivery Services

Another lucrative business idea is to start a shipping and delivery business that makes it easy for store owners to get their products across to their customers in record time.

6. Shopify Set Up Expert

Shopify makes it really easy for people to set up their web stores even without prior web design knowledge but even this seemingly easy process can seem complicated to some people. You can set up a service that helps people set up their Shopify stores for a small fee.

7. Garment Designer

Garment sales are very lucrative on Shopify. You can earn some good money from designing beautiful dresses and selling them on Shopify.

8. Cosmetics Sales

There are many cosmetics brands that are making good money on Shopify. Brands like Fenty Beauty and Kylie Cosmetics have Shopify stores where they sell their products.

You can also start your own brand, and take advantage of Shopify to increase your customer base and the popularity of your brand.

However if you are unable to afford starting your own cosmetics brand, you can simply start reselling other people’s brand on Shopify.

9. Shopify Middleman

You may think Shopify is popular, and people should be able to find their way there to buy things they need but you’ll be surprised at the number of people who constantly ask for help on sourcing for products online.

You can start a business that seeks such people out, help them find the products they are looking for on Shopify, and sell it to them at slightly higher prices.

10. Social Media Marketer

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram are known to be very effective for boosting sales. You can start a business that helps people to advertise their Shopify stores on Social media.

11. Shape Wear Maker and Seller

The Shapewear industry is very lucrative right now with the return of corsets and tummy belts. You can learn how to make these shape wears, and sell them on Shopify.

12. Shopify SEO Expert

Another Shopify related business that you can do is to offer Shopify search engine optimization services to storeowners to make their stores rank higher on shopify search engines.

13. Freelance Writer

You can also offer freelance writing services to write product descriptions, store information, and other marketing contents for Shopify store owners.

14. T-Shirt Designer

If you are great with graphics design or can pay someone to create impressive deigns for you, you can start your own T-shirt store on Shopify.

15. Kiddies Store

Starting a kiddies store is also a lucrative business idea. You can sell children’s wear, shoes, educational tools, and other childcare items.

16. Herbal Tea Seller

Slim Tea and Flat Tummy Tea are very popular herbal tea brands on Shopify. These brands have made thousands of dollars selling their products on Shopify.

You can follow in their strides and start your own herbal tea business where you formulate and sell your own herbal teas.

17. Used Items Seller

Used items sales is another good idea. You can start with selling items that you no longer need, and graduate into buying stuff from garage sales, thrift stores, consignment stores, and selling them on your Shopify web store.

18. Fashion Accessories

You can sell handmade fashion accessories like earrings, neck wear, bags, purses, hats, and so on. If you don’t want to sell handmade accessories, you can also start buying and selling pre-made ones.

19. Wedding Store

Selling wedding supplies is another good business to start on Shopify. You can sell wedding invitations, decorations, dresses, bridal shower supplies, and other wedding supplies.

20. Handmade Dolls

This is another lucrative niche on Shopify. You can make good income from making and selling handmade dolls on Shopify. You can also sell pre-made dolls, and stuffed toys.

21. Herbal Soap and Cosmetics

Visit Shopify and you’ll see a lot of stores selling herbal black soap, chamomile soap, aloe vera soap, and soaps formulated to treat various skin issues.

Cosmetics formulated with herbs are also popular on Shopify. You can learn how to make these and sell them on Shopify.

22. Home Décor and Accessories

Another good idea for your Shopify web store is buying and selling of home accessories and décor such as wallpapers, foot mats, curtains, throw pillows, and other fancy home décor.

23. Kitchen Tools and Equipment

Kitchen tools that hasten up the food preparation process are also trending right now. You can earn good income from buying and reselling these on Shopify.

24. Information Marketing

You can package information about how to succeed on Shopify, and sell them to store owners who are looking to increase performance and profit.

25. Holiday Accessories and Decorations

Selling holiday-themed accessories and decorations is another lucrative idea that you can explore on Shopify.

26. Halloween and Party Costumes

You can also sell Halloween costumes and decorations on Shopify. Halloween might be seasonal but selling fun party costumes would help to guarantee consistent sales on your Shopify store.

27. Food and Beverages

Another lucrative business idea is selling packaged foods and beverages on Shopify. Almost everyone uses these so you won’t have a problem selling your products on Shopify.

28. Organic Foods and Herbs

Organic foods and herbs is a big market at the moment. Instead of selling general foods and beverages, you can choose a smaller niche like selling strictly organic foods and beverages.

29. Pet Supplies Store

You can also start a store that sells pet foods, pet drugs, supplements, pet hygiene products, and other pet supplies.

30. Office Supplies

You can also sell office supplies like highlighters, pens, pencils, tapes, paper clips, copy papers, and other small office supplies but if you have enough money to invest, you can sell office equipment like computers, photocopiers, table phones, security equipment, and other office supplies.

31. Car Accessories

Another idea is to set up a car accessories shop on Shopify. You can sell tools and gadgets that help to enhance the look, feel, smell, and driving experience of car owners.

32. Merchandizer

You can also make money from setting up a merchandizing solutions service to help Shopify store owners increase conversions in their web stores.

33. Wholesaler

Selling products in bulk is another good Shopify business idea. Shopify store owners are mostly retailers and you can make good money off them by selling bulk products that they can resell at good rates to them.

34. CrowdFunding Services

Another idea is to start a crowdfunding business targeted at potential shopify store owners. There are a lot of people interested in starting their own Shopify businesses but cannot afford the capital requirements.

You can start a crowdfunding service that allows people to pool their funds together and use it to set up a Shopify store so that they can share the profits.

35. Link Building Services

Link building involves driving traffic to Shopify stores. You can charge Shopify Storeowners some amount to help them place the links to their stores or products in strategic places on the web where potential buyers can easily use those links to find, and purchase products from their stores.

36. Network/Multilevel Marketing

Shopify can be a very great place to sell your multilevel marketing products. If you are a member of any multilevel marketing program, you can use a Shopify store to increase your sales and commission.

37. Sports and Recreation Store

You can also make money from selling sportswear, exercise and fitness equipment, and even healthy eating or dieting plans on Shopify.

38. Online Directory Services

You can start an online directory that lists shopify sellers in different categories with links to their stores on Shopify included in the list.

This online directory makes it easy for potential buyers to find what they are looking for on Shopify and you will be able earn some money by asking Shopify storeowners to pay some money to be included in the list.

39. Digital Marketing Expert

Another business idea is to start a digital marketing business and help people promote their stores and products on digital platforms.

40. Shopify Reseller

You can also search for products that are very cheap on Shopify, buy them, and resell them physically to people around you, after all not everyone visits Shopify, or has the patience to research attractive products at the cheapest prices.

41. China Importation Consultant

China has a lot of Small-scale manufacturers who often sell items at dirt-cheap prices. A lot of Shopify sellers source for their products from China due to this.

If you have the connections or you can take time to build it, you can earn money from helping people source for products from China, as well as helping them to ship to their locations and dealing with Customs clearance and other technicalities.

42. Domain Name Expert

Shopify allows its storeowners to open their stores using their own domain names. You can start a business that helps people come up with attractive names for their Shopify stores.

43. Language Translation Services

Shopify hosts buyers from different countries in the world. You can make money from acting as a middleman between buyers and sellers who do not understand each other’s languages.

44. Book Store

Another business idea you can pursue on Shopify is selling of books. You can sell ebooks, or hard copy books. You can even buy and resell old books too.

45. Affiliate Marketing

You can join Shopify’s affiliate marketing program and earn commission from directing visitors to Shopify stores.

46. Escrow Payment Solutions

You can also set up an escrow payment solution targeted towards Shopify buyers and sellers so that they can buy and sell safely on Shopify.

47. App Developer

App and Software Development Business

Another great way to make money from Shopify is to develop apps that would enhance buyers and sellers experience on Shopify.

For instance, you can develop payment solution apps, customer engagement apps, store management apps, SEO optimization apps, and so on.

48. E-Bargaining

For this business, you will help to find bargains on products on Shopify, and alert your subscribers to it. You can combine this with Shopify affiliate marketing to earn good commission.

49. Currency Exchange Services

You can also cater to foreign buyers and sellers on Shopify by offering currency exchange services.

50. Start a Shopify Forum

Lastly, you can set up an independent Shopify forum where shopify sellers can gather to discuss various topics that would help them enhance their buyer/seller experience on Shopify.