Are you an extrovert that loves meeting people? Do you seek ways to earn extra income? If YES, here are 50 best outdoor business ideas to start with no money.
Not everyone loves working or looks forward to working indoors. Those who love outdoor jobs but are working indoors are always seeking for opportunities to be able to work outdoors.
Working for yourself is the best thing as you can set your own schedule without being at the mercy of someone else.
However, that’s not to say that starting an outdoor business is easy, especially as not all businesses thrive and become successful.
Most businesses fail in their first year of operation and so before deciding on where you want your business to be and the rest, you would need to carry out an in-depth research first.
An outdoor business has many advantages such as low overhead in terms of rent facility, and lots of demand in terms of clients.
If you are thinking of starting an outdoor business, and aren’t really the kind that loves working indoors, there are some lucrative outdoor business ideas for you, and while some might require much investment, others might require little to no investment at all. If you are ready to make some money, go through the below listed lucrative outdoor business.
Best Outdoor Business ideas
Above-Ground Pool
If you are an innovative entrepreneur that has the time and is also willing to take the risks, then this is an outdoor business that is perfect for you, as you would help clients sell and install above-ground clients.
You do not need to know how to install the pools yourself. All you would need to do is to negotiate or partner with the manufacturer of such pools in your intended target area as regards exclusive installation rights.
Once this has been achieved, you can go ahead with marketing and promoting the business. You could also offer your clients extra services as well, such as pool maintenance.
2. Boat Broker
If you love working outdoors, then this is a business that you should consider going into. As a boat broker, you would be required to sell boats – motorboats, sail boats, and water craft – to prospective and interested buyers.
Depending on the state where you would be operating from, you would require a license before becoming a boat broker; however, not all states require a license.
It is imperative that you make your findings before starting this business. As a boat broker, you only make money (commission of generally 10%) after each boat is sold.
3. Camping
Camping is a great summer activity especially in America where it is regarded as a family vacation destination.
If you are an outdoor person, then you might consider running this business full-time and not part-time as most campgrounds are.
You would need to decide on the type of camp ground you intend to run so that you can make money all year round.
To make more money from your campground business, you would need to ensure that you offer campers a great number of products and services such as swimming facilities, an on-site store, firewood, washroom facilities, activity centres, laundry, and more. Ensure that your business is listed in travel associations.
4. Awning Cleaning
If you are thinking of a business that you can start with the least of start-up capital with no special skill required, then the awning cleaning business is what you should go for.
Due to the fact that more and more businesses are switching to advertising their businesses via commercial awning instead of the traditional box sign, it therefore means more business opportunities for entrepreneurs such as you.
Commercial awnings constantly need to be cleaned so as to project a good corporate image for the businesses they are promoting.
To be successful in this kind of business, you would need to aggressively advertise your business by handing out fliers and telling businesses what your business can do for them.
5. Adventure Club
If you are an adventurous and a fun lover, then you can start a club that will cater to those such as yourself.
Your club could offer different activities to thrill seekers. You would have to be innovative and creative as fun lovers constantly need new thrilling activities that would keep them hooked.
You could offer different membership packages so that potential members are given a variety of choices that will enable them choose which package would be convenient for them.
To attract members to your club, you would need to carry out an outdoor recreation activity every now and then.
6. Bulletin Board Service
This is a pretty straightforward business as all you would be required to do is to help businesses – who do not have the time – to post fliers on bulletin boards of supermarkets, schools, laundries, libraries, community centres, fitness clubs and other such kinds of places throughout the area in exchange for a fee.
This is a profitable service as you could post fliers for more than one business at a time thereby garnering more profit.
7. Billboards
Billboards are a great component of outdoor advertising. Most businesses know the great benefits that billboards bring to their business which in turn make them seek out those who would help them install a billboard that would help project the image of their business.
If you intend to go into this business you can negotiate with one who does the installations as well as several landowners of those who own lands where there is a high visibility and traffic and then market these spots to businesses who would wish to use such spots to advertise their business.
8. Board-Up Service
Due to the increased ferocity from the weather which is probably from the climate change that has seen more tornadoes, hurricanes, tropical storms and gales; more houses and businesses have started boarding up their windows so as not to have their properties get destroyed each time the weather changes for the worst.
If you are good with your hands and simple carpentry tools, then this is a business for you. You would need to approach houses and businesses and tell them about the service you could render them for a fee. The more clients you make, the more money you rack up.
9. Bench Advertising
One great outdoor business idea is bench advertising which could earn you some huge money if you draft your strategies right.
Before you design and construct seating benches that can be used for advertising, ensure that the area you intend to use has high visibility and either foot or vehicular traffic.
You can secure different locations to place your bench such as outside cafe restaurants, retail stores, parks etc. Then rent out advertising spaces to those willing to promote their products or services for a fee.
10. Camping Tutorial
Lots of Americans enjoy camping and often see it as an activity to look out for. However, not all that are enthusiastic about camping know the basics and are novices, which is where you come in.
As a camping tutor, you would provide ‘how-to’ camp instructional and practical hiking information for first timers.
The tutoring can be done outdoors which frees you up from renting a facility plus other overheads.
11. Delivery Service
If you have got a phone and a reliable means of transport – bicycle, motorcycle, or car – then you could start a delivery business in your target area by helping customers deliver items such as groceries, fast food, tickets, flowers, dry cleaning and any other imaginable stuff that would require delivery.
This business would need you to have persuasive marketing skills so as to be able to persuade clients to use your service instead.
Also, you might need to offer additional services than what your competitors are offering so as to have an advantage over them. Once your business expands, you could add more drivers and routes to your business.
12. Construction Clean-up Business
This is a niche in the cleaning industry where instead of cleaning commercial or residential areas, you focus on cleaning up construction sites.
This business is quite labour intensive and would require you to be physically fit as you would not only clean windows and wash all surfaces; you might sometimes need to haul away construction debris.
This is quite a lucrative business as your potential customers are contractors, renovation companies, and property developers.
You would need to have good marketing skills as you might sometimes need to physically approach your clients and pitch your services to them.
13. Sundeck Building
Designing, building and installation of sundecks is one aspect of the home improvement industry that has got a fast growth.
You may not necessarily know how to install the decks yourself, but you’d still require knowledge as regards construction.
Depending on the state you would be operating from, you might need to secure a building permit before you can install a deck.
Starting this kind of business requires investment in tools, however, if your budget is a bit tight; you could lease some of the tools for use.
14. Dog Trainer
If you love furry animals especially dogs then this is a business you might need to start considering.
As a dog trainer, you would need to train dogs for clients or teach clients how they can train their dogs personally. There are numerous dog owners that would love to teach their dogs certain skills and habits.
However, before you can become a dog trainer, you would need to be certified by becoming a Professional Certified Trainer.
You could package your training lessons in such a way that it is convenient for both you and your clients. You could also sell additional products such as leashes, tags etc to generate more income.
15. Flying School
This is one of the best outdoor businesses that as an entrepreneur you can go into. Your flying school will help those who wish to learn how to fly for fun or career purposes, come to you for both theory and practical purposes.
However, starting a flying school is not that easy as there are many financial and regulatory loops to overcome.
Before starting this business, you would need to ensure that the location is perfect, and that other things such as insurance and equipment are in place.
16. Fence Installation And Repair
Not all houses come with fences and so might require some owners of these houses to look for someone to install a fence for them.
Also, many people are looking to completely overhaul their fences or repair that which they have.
Either way, if you are looking for a business to start that is going to cost you less in terms of equipment and capital, then this is the business for you.
You must however be good with your hands and approach each potential client need differently.
For those without fences, you might have to knock on their doors and pitch your service to them, while for those that require repairs on their fences, you could drop your flier or business cards on their mailboxes.
17. Canoe and Kayak Tours Business
If you love working outdoors in whatever weather then the canoe and kayak tour is a business for you.
Your clients are those who love adventure or are looking for a boat cruise. If you live in an area where there is a lagoon or river, then all you need is to get your canoe and other basics.
However, there are other angles you might pursue, which is by operating your business in conjunction with a resort or waterfront tourist attraction.
You can have your clients choose the kind of tour they would like from the several tour packages you would have designed.
What you need to start your business apart from getting the canoe is insurance, and tour guide qualification. You would also have to be proficient in the application of first aid.
18. Doghouses
If you are skilled with wood and tools and have also got the necessary tools, then you can easily start a doghouse business, where you build one for people who own dogs for a fee.
This is a lucrative business because Americans own pets especially dogs, which means you have a lot of potential customers to approach, as not all dog owners have the time or are skilled enough to build their houses for their dogs.
You would need to have persuasive skills in convincing owners on why they need to use your services instead of others.
You could make your package attractive by adding features to the dog house that has never been thought of before.
19. Garage Organiser
This might seem like a strange business but it isn’t. People are always leaving stuffs in their garage which makes it impossible for them to conveniently store their cars in.
Most times, these people might make half-hearted attempts at clearing the garage but do not go all the way.
Starting the garage organiser business is good if you are one who loves to clear and store stuffs, then this might be the business for you.
You could start with a friend’s garage and post the before and after picture online through social media forums. You could also print fliers that show how amazing your organising capabilities are.
20. Golf Instructor
Golf has become one of the most popular sports in the united states, which is due to the fact that most people see it as a status sport, and so more and more people try to learn how to play it.
This is an opportunity for you especially if you know basic golf theoretically and practically. You can either teach newbies and amateurs.
This is a business that requires a little investment as you might not need to meet your clients physically but can choose a niche such as golfing techniques and post online for clients to purchase.
21. Horse Riding Training
To start this business, it would require that you have not only passion for horse riding but also a passion for business as well as this is a tricky business that might collapse if not well handled.
To start this kind of business, you would need to own a stable, training and boarding facility which does not come cheap.
If however, your budget cannot allow you start on this scale, you can start with few horses that can be boarded at a local farm.
This means you will conduct your lessons at the farm and pay the farm for allowing you use their facilities.
22. House Painting Business
This is not a task that everyone loves doing but most seem to be clumsy at it especially as you have to spread drop cloths over things, climb around on ladders or scaffolding; which is why most usually prefer to delegate the task to a professional for a fee.
The start-up of this business is usually low so you can start it anytime you want. Also, the overhead for this business is non-existent as you can definitely operate from home.
You will however require experience in painting and also know about paints and primers. Your clients can range from those in residences to official places.
23. Human Billboards
Human billboards help small businesses of any kind advertise and promote their products and services by holding signs or banners that bear the name of the company they are advertising for; and are usually seen as a cost effective approach by small and medium scale businesses.
A human billboard has to attract passersby to the sign or banner being held and also persuade them to actually go to whatever business is written on this sign or banner. You have to be innovative in this business so as to enable the business get clients.
24. Graffiti Removal
Homeowners and business people often have to deal with the nightmare of graffiti on their wall, and so any business offering the graffiti removal business is one likely to make a hit in the market. Removing graffiti is such an inexpensive business that requires no training at all.
You would need to approach those who own graffiti on their wall and pitch your business service to them, this will require you to have persuasive skills so that they allow you to do it right then and pay you for your service. You would need a trailer, a pressure washer that is portable as well as a sand blaster.
25. Ice Cream Stand
If you make delicious ice creams and also have developed recipes that have had raves from your family and friends, then it is probably time you turn your passion into a business.
Ice cream is taken every day by people of nearly all ages, and so this is a lucrative business for you to go into.
You would need to get a stand in a location where there is high traffic, as this would ensure you get more demand.
Also, if your stand is mobile, you can always move to locations you feel are advantageous to your business.
26. Kites Business
Kites can never go out of fashion as most people still get kites for their children and even themselves.
Adults who use kites do not only use it for recreational purposes as it can be used to mount a camera and use for work purposes.
To stand out in this business, you would need to build kites that are not only beautiful to behold but also durable as well.
You can expand your packages by also selling videos on how others can build their own kites. This is a business that requires low investment.
27. Guest Ranch
This is a new niche in the travel and hospitality industry. Guest ranches do not only accommodate guests but offer them other thrilling activities as well such as horseback riding, swimming, outdoor barbecues, and mountain bike trail riding. It is also becoming quite popular amongst travellers.
This business is labour and capital intensive and would require not only passion from you but a great business sense so that you can succeed.
If however, you provide a great service that customers can tell their colleagues about, you can be assured of repeat business.
28. Greenhouse Installation
The middle aged and most senior citizens are constantly looking for a way to keep themselves busy while keeping fit.
A greenhouse is one such activity that is just right for them. In starting this kind of business, you might be required to design, build and install a greenhouse for clients.
29. Hoarding Advertising Business
Hoarding is a construction term that is used for the erection of a plywood fence round a construction site.
Most times hoarding is used in places with high traffic so as to prevent passersby from getting injured by the construction equipment or debris.
Some businesses make use of hoarding to advertise their business by pasting their handbills on the plywood which is most times illegal.
However, as an innovative entrepreneur, you could get permission legally from contractors or property developers of the site and negotiate revenue split arrangement with them; so that businesses that want to advertise would come through you.
30. Hot Dog Cart Business
If you secure a vendor permit in your community for your hot dog cart business then starting your business can only become easy but if you do not get a permit, then you can run your hot dog cart business innovatively by selling at functions such as sporting events, fairs, and auctions. You can save up on overhead by buying a fairly used hot dog cart for your business.
31. Landscaping and Gardening
If you love tree and flower planting and do not mind the physical labour that comes with this, then you can go into the landscaping business.
A landscaper helps in providing external aesthetics to homes and increasing productivity for business residences.
However, there are many needed requirements before you can start this business as you would need to purchase plant materials, sprinkler systems, and decorative accents.
You will also need to have a vast knowledge – that constantly needs to be updated – of plants, flowers and trees and their varieties.
Knowing about the different sprinkler system is a must as well as different boulders. You can choose residential customers as your target market or business residences or even handle both if you can.
32. Parasailing
Parasailing is a recreational activity for adventure and fun lovers where a client is towed behind a boat while attached to a specially designed canopy wing that looks like a parachute.
This is not a cheap business for those intending to go into it, as genuine parasailing equipment and the boat come at a high price.
However, profits to be earned from this business are higher than the investment. To be successful in this business, you would need to operate in a beach that has high traffic. Fares vary according to location, so ensure you get a good location.
33. Parking Lot Sweeping Business
Most parking lots usually have litters such as used disposable cups, food wrappers, cigarette butts, and so on, which does not leave a good impression about any business small or large.
This should be an easy business for any determined entrepreneur especially if you pitch your services just right.
The equipment that would be needed for this kind of business is a portable power sweeper, which is not quite expensive and can be mounted on the back of any pickup truck.
You need not restrict yourself to business premises alone as you could sweep underground parking lots as well.
34. Outdoor Photography
If you are skilled in photography, then you could go into this niche and make a nice income for yourself.
To be successful in this business, you would need to get good photography equipment so that you don’t spend so much on repairs.
Outdoor photographers are those whose subjects and models are usually shot outside a studio. You could cover wedding events, model shoots, nature shoots and so many others.
Start with taking shoots outside and posting it online via social media forums so as to attract clients to you.
35. Litter Pickup Business
This is another form of cleaning business that does not require any major equipment that is out of the reach of any willing entrepreneur except for a shovel, rake, garbage can, face mask and a pair of gloves.
All that is required from you in running this business is persuasive skills. You should also pass out fliers in target areas so as to attract customers.
36. Solar-powered House Numbers
One great business to start up that is inexpensive and requires just your marketing and sales skills is solar-powered house numbers business.
This is because you do not need to manufacture anything or have construction skills but to network with the manufacturer and negotiate on the prices that would allow you make a profit.
You can sell the products via social forums or your website. You can even send some of the products to stores so that consumers can easily get one in their area. People like illuminated numbers on their houses because it beautifies their homes at night.
37. Line Painting Business
The line painting business might not be one to make you a millionaire but it is guaranteed to provide you with cash especially if you have positioned yourself to become the one whom people call.
Line painters are those who paint lines in car parks so as to delineate parking spaces by showing handicap spots, reserved parking area, as well as directions.
Line painters do not only work in car parks but in stadiums as well as in schools and in interiors like in warehouses.
If you however do not know how to paint, you can learn to as you would require focus and boundless energy.
38. Pest and Critter Control
Pests such as termites, roaches, spiders, ants, and bees; as well as Critters such as squirrels, snakes, rats, mice, and raccoons have become something we have to live with, and so while some have been able to manage the pests around their offices and homes, not all have been fortunate to.
This is where you can cash in on as an entrepreneur by starting your own pest control business. You can provide different packages that will cater to the preferences of your clients.
For example, some clients do not want the critters found within their environment killed but instead released into the wild.
You would however find out what requirements are expected of you in the area you intend to operate in so that you do not run afoul of the law.
39. Pool Cleaning Business
Swimming pools are a necessity in most homes that can afford it especially as they can be a lifesaver on hot days.
Swimming pools are also found in places like hotels, and condominiums. However, because people use it often, it is often a dirty place and so requires constant cleaning.
Pools often have to meet local health standards and if not pay fine. This is why this is a business for you.
You would need to be knowledgeable about the pool chemical levels and know how to adjust it, maintain pumps, filters, and also know how to use the necessary equipment.
40. Pony Ride Business
Starting this business is not an easy task even though kids are your main customers. You would need to have a boarding facility where to keep and groom the ponies.
However to be successful at the business, you would need to be mobile and move around with your ponies to places and occasions where you are likely to get customers such as carnivals, kids parties, and even charity events.
Apart from boarding space, you would need to also have insurance and transportation. You will also need to continually update your knowledge on ponies and their needs.
41. Windsurfing Instructor
Windsurfing is a recreational sport for fun lovers and adventure seekers especially as you would be gliding over waves at most likely 30 miles per hour.
It is an inexpensive but adventurous sport one can engage in especially after training and equipment has been paid for. Before you can become a windsurfing instructor, you would need to be a windsurfer yourself.
Ensure your business is located in a busy beach, where there are tourists all year round; this way you might even need to get more instructors to work with you, if your clients are too much for you to handle, and then agree on the splitting basis.
42. Poop Scooper Service
It might sound like a strange business but determined and willing entrepreneurs are popping up everywhere to take up the challenges of picking up dogs poop.
The business requires no training, no special skills, very little investment and equipment (shovel and plastic bags) to start up.
Advertise your services by passing out fliers to homeowners with dogs and letting them know how much you charge.
Also let them know what your pay packages you have, so that they might choose which is convenient for them.
43. Real Estate Photography
Most houses that are displayed by real estate agents and homeowners in relevant magazines, brochures and stands are usually taken by real estate photographers.
The purpose of the picture is usually to list a house by making it attractive enough to stimulate enough interest in a client, make them visit and eventually buy.
If you are skilled with your photographs, and have satisfied clients that refer you, you can make enough cash to make you comfortable.
44. Roof Installation
A roof is a thing of necessity and so every building either official or residential need one, especially as no one can stay or operate a business in a roofless building.
However, a roof comes in different materials such as asphalt, steel, cedar and composite materials and so you would need to know which type you would want to concentrate on.
There are many niches to this kind of business. You can represent a roof manufacturer, carry out roof installations for clients directly or subcontract for a new home builder.
Whatever options you would choose should be that which ensure you make as much as possible. You would need to check local and city regulations regarding roof installations.
45. Tree house Kit Business
While few parents would not mind getting a professional to build a treehouse for their kids, most parents usually consider it a thing of pride to build a treehouse for their kids.
However, not all parents that are desirous of building a treehouse actually know how to go about it, and this is where your tree house kit business comes in.
Packaging a do-it-yourself tree house kit is likely to make a huge hit amongst parents, as all they would need to do is purchase the tree house kit, assemble and then install with less time than they would if they had to build everything themselves.
46. Scuba Diving Instructor
Thousands of Americans especially the youths all want to learn scuba diving especially as it is seen as the new ‘cool’ sport. However, to become a scuba diving instructor; one has to be certified.
You can undergo a course for a few months from an accredited training school like Professional Association of Dive Instructors, PADI. After being certified, you can then teach those who wish to learn for a fee.
You could also partner with an existing scuba diving retailer or charter boat operation to run your business and split the fees with them.
47. Snow Clearing Business
During the winter, snow usually blocks the driveways and walkways making it impossible for people to leave their driveways or take a long time to.
Not everyone has the time and patience to remove snow from their driveways and so would require one who can.
If you have a truck, snowplough as well as salt spreader, or just a shovel and salt spreader; then you are as good as ready to start this business.
However, this is a seasonal business as you would work only in winters. The snow clearing business is however a money making business.
48. Sport Coach Training Business
Every school in America has at least a sports coach, with some schools having more than one. Not all these sport coaches know how to interact and mentor the students they coach and this is where you come in.
Most schools will be thrilled at the idea of having someone train their coaches so that the students could perform better at sports.
You do not need to have knowledge of sports before starting this business and would need to enlist specialists, motivational speakers and psychologists. Your task would be to pitch your service to schools and make them buy into the idea.
49. River Rescue Instructor
This is a business that though challenging is quite lucrative. As a river rescue instructor, you would teach others how to perform a rescue operation to on victims of would-be river drowning.
However, you would need certification before you can become a river rescue instructor. You would also need equipment such as ropes, throw bags, and safety harnesses.
Your clients would be fishermen, fire department, police department, sport clubs, search and rescue teams, and other enthusiasts.
50. Outdoor Skateboard Park
This is a popular sports and recreational past-time that is enjoyed by millions of Americans. Starting an outdoor skateboard park depending on your geographical location could be one of the best business ideas you could come up with.
This is a very challenging business that requires finance, research and time but is lucrative as well. You can design your park to accommodate all your clients from beginner level to expert level.
Other sources of income for your skateboard business could include rentals, and skating instructional.
The above 50 outdoor businesses are definitely not exhaustive and would require more in-depth research from you if the outdoor business is the kind of business you want to go into.
You could also approach those already in the business so they could help out by giving tips and advice that you can use.