Do you run a hotel and you are wondering what type of uniform to use for front desk staff? If YES, here are 4 best uniform for hotel front desk.
There is no way to imagine hotels without uniforms. Whether you are running a small hotel or a massive international chain, uniforms are an ideal part of the job – and for good reason. Just like every other job that requires uniforms, hotel uniforms work in two ways: to create distinction between positions, and to help make the job easier to perform.
Front desk personnel and concierges are the first to greet guests, making these employees a huge part of the first impression that guests get from the hotel.
Have it in mind that they are also the ones that spend the most time interacting with the guests so they have to look their best at all times. Traditionally, front desk personnel uniforms consist of crisp button-down shirts, slacks or pencil skirts, and a blazer. Neck scarves and ties are a common accessory.
The front desk personnel of a hotel more or less wear formal suits or dresses (jacket, shirt, tie and classical trousers for men, skirt or trousers and jacket for women).
In most exclusive hotels furnished elaborately, usually a lofty and elegant wear is chosen, that is the morning dress (tale coat), the stroller jacket and the frock coat – a typical garment of the second half of nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth.
Note that the uniforms for front desk personnel should be sober, rigorous and never gaudy but they cannot be completely disjointed from the contemporary trends of civil wear outfits.
And just like in the “traditional” fashion, where every season has its own collection, characterized by different models, colours and decorations, ensure that you are in current flow, continuously updating your catalogue. Except for some international chains of hotels which prefer gaudier colours, the uniforms for front desk personnel should be made with sober and elegant colours, such as blue, grey and black.
These three colours represent a basis, more than a standard, and are employed in dark shades, with the possibility of using lighter shades in summer.
Best Uniform for Hotel Front Desk
Business-casual is more or less used to describe a clothing style appropriate for individuals who work in semi-casual environment.
Business-casual clothing includes, but is not limited to, khakis, sweaters without revealing cleavage, long-sleeve button down shirts and sensible shoes. Have it in mind that all attire should be clean and pressed. Do not wear clothes that show visible wear and tear.
While most front desk personnel cannot afford the same level of quality clothing as an upper-level professional, they are expected to utilize a certain amount of discretion by purchasing solid, well-made clothes that will not begin to fray or fall apart in the workplace.
Button-down shirts, blouses and sweaters are acceptable options for front desk personnel. Although there are a variety of blouse styles available, low necklines are discouraged.
Collared and tailored shirts are better but fitted shirts, t-shirts and sleeveless shirts are not appropriate for a business casual environment. For individuals in this career line, it is always advisable to ensure that your underclothing is not visible through your blouse.
You may also want to stretch your arms upward to ensure that the bottom of your shirt does not reveal your midsection too easily.
Skirts and Pants
Even though women have the choice to wear either skirts or pants in a hospitality environment, caution is encouraged. Do not wear pants or skirts that are excessively tight or have a low rise. Skirts should not reach above the knee.
Slits are acceptable since they enable movement, but they should not reach above the knee. While most may view their wardrobe as medium of self-expression, doing so is only encouraged if it can be done in a subdued fashion. Solid, muted colours are appropriate for a hotel environment.
Going for subdued, sensible shoes can sometimes be challenging for women who enjoy wearing fun or flirty footwear. You can avoid inappropriate items by sticking to solid, neutral colours like brown, black, beige and grey.
White shoes are not usually appropriate in a professional setting. The most desirable shoe materials for front desk personnel are leather, dark fabrics and microfiber. Avoid slippers, sandals and spike heels.
Conservative dress excludes open toes, chunky heels and platform shoes. Use moderation and common sense when selecting shoes by ensuring that you are able to walk in them comfortably.