Do you need help designing your dance studio layout? If YES, here are a few dance studio decoration ideas and tips for floor, wall, ceiling.
A dance studio provides instructors with space to offer dance lessons, including both group classes and private sessions. However, building and designing an attractive dance studio is not a walk in the park and this process can be tiring and daunting.
The two main costs associated with a dance studio are the cost of a building and the cost of insurance. Note that a building requires huge investment of capital, and the building’s taxes and mortgage are meant to be included in the total building costs.
Also note that a studio should have a reserve fund available in case the building needs an emergency repair. And in terms of insurance, a dance studio should have robust liability protection that covers all students, instructors, guests and events held in the building.
The ongoing expenses of a dance studio include the upkeep costs, mortgage and taxes associated with the studio’s building, employee salaries, and the studio’s insurance premiums. Building costs will depend on the value and size of a studio’s building and can be at least several thousand dollars each year.
If a dance studio employs its own instructors, ideal clients will include children and students who are passionate about dance and can afford to attend regular classes.
But if a studio does not employ its own instructors, its primary clients would then be instructors – dance enthusiasts who more or less have professional dancing experience.
It’s imperative to consider your demographic, the different pieces of equipment, and dance gear that will make up your dance studio space, because each feature has an important role to play.
Be it the height of the ceiling, deciding which of the dance floor types is most suitable, what kind of mirrors you’ll need, what kind of barre you’ll want, have a picture in mind of what you want your ideal school to look like (and have a budget ready to work with). You have to make sure to have fun in your decorating; allow your personality and passion to shine.
Once you find your ideal location, the next step will be to set up the space. Always have it in mind that the layout of your dance studio floor plan is crucial to maximizing your business capabilities. Your design should be smart, sleek, and efficient.
Tips and ideas to Consider When Planning Your Dance Studio Layout
There are so many choices, companies, claims, endorsements, and recommendations to consider when starting and planning your dance studio layout. The more you look, the more confusing it gets. However, here are few tips and ideas to always remember.
1. Flooring
The single most important feature in a dance studio is quite possibly the dance room floor. Note that the dance floor type you select will largely be dictated by budget. A nice sprung floor system can easily be constructed for around seven to nine dollars per square foot.
Also note there are many flooring companies that install dance floors, though their prices are considerably higher. According to experts, sprung floors can greatly reduce risk of injury, and increase the overall health and well being of the instructors and dancers at your studio. For the health and longevity of your students and instructors, this is absolutely not a corner you can afford to cut.
2. Sound System
Always ensure that your sound system selection remains professional, functioning, and appropriate for your studio space. Sound systems should play CDs, iPods, iPads, laptops, etc. Make sure your equipment is up-to-date with the current technology.
3. Closed-Circuit Monitoring System & Options
Observation windows are more or less one of the biggest deterrents from creating a focused learning environment for dance studio students. Younger students can easily be distracted and will likely want to wave or blow kisses to their parents through the observation window.
Then the parents will want to reciprocate communication, thinking it is cute without realizing that it is drawing every single students’ attention away from the reason they are there: to receive a dance education.
Also, as the students’ age, they become self-conscious about being observed, which can be equally distracting. Instead you should consider installing a closed circuit monitoring system in the lobby. Their parents will have the ability to watch their students’ entire classes without creating a distraction.
4. Walls & Ceilings
When outfitting your space, it is pertinent to install insulation in the walls to assist in reducing noise transfer between studio rooms.
Note that it is not always mandatory to install insulation in interior spaces, but this can be an inexpensive way to keep your space quieter (lobbies, bathrooms, if you have multiple rooms).
Also note that a high ceiling can make a space feel larger, and, conversely, a low ceiling can make a room feel smaller. Although some spaces will not be able to accommodate high ceilings, but you certainly want them to be as high as possible.
Ceiling materials can also affect noise transfer, so be sure to take that into consideration in your planning and product selection.
5. Studio Security Options
Note that you can choose to have a security system installed that has monitoring that is paid through a monthly fee. If you are considering a closed circuit monitoring system, these can connect into one system that will provide your space with a heightened level of security to ease your mind and serve as a part of your parent observation system.
Some Studios have a keypad with a code that owners/employees have to type in that unlocks the door. This indeed is a relatively expensive installation fee upfront, but the functionality has made it worth the investment.
6. Décor
You will also delicately select your décor, paint colours, and thematic concept to fit your niche market within the dance industry.
If it is a training facility for children, make sure your look and set-up is reflective of your mission. If you are a classical ballet conservatory, make sure your look reflects that, too.
7. Mirrors
Also note that the size of your studio’s mirrors can also make a big difference in how large a space appears. Most dance studios have mirrors that are 8 feet high and that makes the space appear much larger than studios that opt to use 4 or 6-foot mirrors.
For walls with mirrors, it is pertinent to have an open wall with minimal obstructions (electrical outlets, light switches, etc). The cost of working around switches and outlets can significantly increase the cost of mirror installation.
8. Barres
Indeed there are many companies that sell wall and floor mounted barres. Wall mounted or floor mounted barres can be expensive, but are a great permanent installation for your space.
You can choose to use portable barres. Note that this allows barres to be pulled into the middle of the floor, and they can be oriented so they face the mirrors as well.
Portable barres are an optimal, flexible option for studio space. They can be built with PVC piping or metal piping (iron or galvanized is a great option). Your choice for barres will likely depend on your budget and how you would like to utilize your space.
9. Temperature Control
In some climates where air conditioning is not a part of most buildings, it entails that you will need some heavy-duty fans. In the summer months, a studio can become a sweltering (and not so nicely smelling) place to be.
If possible, place bi-directional fans in front of windows in order to have the ability both to bring in fresh air and to blow out not-so-fresh air.
10. Other Spaces
Necessary spaces like office space, bathrooms, and hallways should be practical (often, minimum size is dictated by building codes), but should be kept as small as possible.
Dressing room areas are expected to be large enough to accommodate a few changing students but should not be so large as to encourage students to loiter.
A student in the changing room should be there solely with the intentions of preparing for their next class (or storing a few items while they attend class).
Storage room should also not be neglected in planning your space. Storage should be large enough to keep all items of studio operation out of sight.
There are probably several more things you’ll need to think about when choosing a location for your dance studio. Things like rules for painting your studio, what colours get the most attention, the type of signage to use, and the taxes for your location, the importance of visibility, and many others! However, in creating your dance studio floor plans and finalizing a layout, maintaining dance space is paramount.